    Abstract Injection-moulded-plastic-part design must ensure
    that the part can be manufactured to the desired quality level
    by the injection moulding process. Simulation software has been
    widely used in industry to assess mouldability and measures of
    quality. However, it cannot be used to improve a design directly.
    Design modifications must be performed by the designer after
    evaluation of the simulation results. Based on the authors’ pre-
    vious work on injection moulding CAD-CAE integration, this
    paper explores the strategies and methods for automatic-part-
    shape-modification to attain a desired part quality. An enhanced
    CAD-CAE integration model is developed. This model is used to
    specify the shape-modification variables, as well as the mould-
    ability and other quality measuring criteria. The shape modifica-
    tion variables include positional and sizing parameters of each
    individual feature, as well as those associated with the part, such
    as part thickness. With this information, an iterative process of
    part-shape modification and execution of simulation subroutines
    is carried out automatically, and the results are verified and eval-
    uated. Optimal shape, according to the specified criteria can thus
    be derived from the evaluation results. A software prototype has
    been developed. A design case study is presented to illustrate
    and demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed strategies and
    Keywords Injection moulding · Plastic part design · Shape
    Y. -M. De n g () · Y.C. Lam
    Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA),
    N2-B2C-15, Nanyang Technological University,
    Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798, Singapore
    E-mail: mymdeng@ntu.edu.sg
    Tel: +65-67904273
    Fax: +65-68627215
    G.A. Britton
    CAD/CAM Lab, School of Mechanical and Production Engineering,
    Nanyang Technological University,
    Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798, Singapore
    1 Introduction
    Injection moulding is a major manufacturing method for the fab-
    rication of plastic parts. Part design is one of the most important
    design tasks in injection moulding. During the design process,
    designers must take into account functional requirements of the
    part as well as its mouldability. The quality of a part is influ-
    enced by many factors, such as selection of material, moulding
    machine, and injection mould, as well as processing conditions.
    Concurrent engineering techniques are recognised as facilitating
    strategies in ensuring successful part design [1–4].
    One way to apply concurrent engineering strategies in part
    design is to get part designers to work with both the customers
    and marketing personnel on the front end, as well as the mould
    designers, material suppliers, and process engineers on the back
    end [1]. Another important factor in the success of concurrent
    engineering is the use of design support tools that can provide
    relevant information and feedback with various degrees of de-
    tail [5]. Various computer-based tools have been developed to
    assist designers in assessing the mouldability, quality, and cost of
    a design. Among these tools, simulation packages are the most
    popular. For example, Moldflow is widely used in industry to
    simulate the moulding process before part design and moulding-
    process design are finalised and actual tooling is started.
    However, existing computer-based tools only provide infor-
    mation relating to the mouldability and performance of a design;
    that is, they can only act as an evaluation tool. They are not
    capable of directly improving design. To address this problem,
    a number of optimisation algorithms have been proposed based
    on the utilisation of the simulation software, such as gate loca-
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