
    The Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine has proposed a method of cleaning the surface of cold-rolled strip which includes its exposure to a detergent liquid and blowing with air. The detergent is heated to at least 40~ and dispersed in the air flow in the concentration 0.01-5.0% (by vol.). V. F. Pivovarov, V. P. Rusakov, Yu. F. Goncharov, et al., Patent No. 1814569, B21B 45/02, from 25.07.91.
    The "Kommunar" Automobile Plant has also developed an uncoiler which is distinguished by its reliability in service. It contains a tension unit mounted on a base and two lateral supports for the coil. The supports are hinged to shafts, one of which is also firmly affixed to the base. The other shaft can undergo translation and rotation in the direction perpendicular to the first shaft. The uncoiler is also equipped with an additional support and shaft. Each of the lateral supports is in the form of a lever, with the levers being hinged to each other through the auxiliary shaft. The latter is in turn hinged to the auxiliary support. E. T. Belyi, V. E. Belyi, and V. A. Rodovnichenko, Patent No. 1814570, B21C 47/00, from 09.07.90.

    The Institute of Problems of the Superptasticity of Metals (under the Russian Academy of Sciences) has proposed a method of making automobile wheels which improves the efficiency of the operation. It includes preliminary stamping of a semifinished product having a shape close to the shape of the finished part. The material of the semifmished product has a structure which has been prepared previously. After stamping, the inside surface of the stamping is rolled until the working surface of the wheel resembles the profile of the inside surface of the wheel rim. Here, the stamping of the semifinished product
    to form the hub and tread is done in the superplastic regime. S. N. Yumagulov, O. A. Kaibyshev, F. S. Utyashev, et al., Patent No. 1814579, B21D 53/26, B21H 1/00, from 20.02.91.

    The All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Cement Industry has proposed a method of protecting steel and cast-iron molds from corrosion which improves their durability and reduces the number of castings rejected for geometric flaws or surface defects. The method includes the preparation of a water-based, thermally insulating coating material (containing a filler, binder, water, and various additives) and application of the coating to the mold. The water is treated beforehand with hydrazine and copper sulfate in the respective amounts 8-20 mg/liter and 1-3 mg/liter. After the solution is stirred and held for 10-15 min and the filler, binder, and additives are introduced, nitrilotrimethylphosphonic acid (0.1-10 mg/liter) and an alkali are added until the prepared composition reaches pH 9-10. E. N. Mukhin, V. N. Tsukanov, and D. V. Novikov. Patent No. 1814586, B22C 3/00, from 05.11.90.

    The Cherepovets Metallurgical Combine has developed a device for closing blast-furnace iron notches. The device consists of a cylinder with a lip, a piston with a rod, a drive, and a thrust collar (secured to the lip). A drilling-machine drive is used as the drive for the device. This drive can be linked to the free end of the piston rod. V. M. Kotov, V. P. Shkurenko, A. N. Kuznetsov, et al., Patent No. 1814662, C21B 7/12, from 06.08.90.
    俄罗斯管材厂设计了一个连续的壳锅炉和窑炉生产线。该生产线包括一个开卷机,矫直机,横向剪,和一个单元,用于弯曲和焊接。所有这些组件都通过各种方式的运输联系。该生产线还具有横向剪切机,它是从第一剪切机分离由钳位矫直机的第二组。移动半成品的弯曲焊接部的输送装置,配备摆动托盘和电磁铁,而弯曲焊接单元本身具有的移动设备以固定的部分的外壳,是对焊。 文·艾·斯洛巴勒,艾尔·基斯利岑,恩·莱夫勒,等人,专利号1823802,B21D43/00,从92年1月20日。
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