    Abstract - The paper analyzed current plastic injection mold
    hot-runner design, and introduced an approach of conceptual
    information expressed by knowledge units (KU) and structure
    units (SU) to establish a knowledge base (KB). Then it designed a
    multi-cavity mold hot-runner structure based on knowledge
    driven mechanism, and performed simulation analysis and
    optimization for the design work. Therefore, based on knowledge
    transfer, the informational integrated design of the multi-cavity
    injection mold hot-runner was realized. 8511
      Index Terms - Hot-Runner, Knowledge, Multi-Cavity,
    Injection mold,  Integrated design
     With advantages of shorter production cycle time, raw
    material consumption saving, less waste products, improved
    product quality, and application range expansion of plastic
    injection molding, hot-runner is one of the key technology
    during the eleventh Five-Year Plan [1]
    In hot-runner product development field, many
    companies have researched the technology, e.g. MOLD-
    FASTHEAT of the USA, EWIKON, GUNTHER of Germany,
    PLASTHING of the UK, THERMOPLY of Italy, SEIKI of
    Japan, and YUDO of Korea. They have performed researches
    on hot-runner technology, and developed products that have
    been successfully applied in plastic injection molding. In
    theoretic research area, R.Spina
    has compared different hot-
    runner systems, gate and product configurations, and
    evaluated manufacturability and process feasibility of each
    system through thermal stress and strain distribution, which
    was studied by using finite element analysis. L.Kong,
     established a system for 3D plastic injection mold
    design, in which the mold structure can be designed within an
    software environment developed form 3D CAD. Ko-Ta
    Chiang et al
     suggested a method to efficiently optimize
    machining parameters of thin-wall injection-molded part
    through grey-fuzzy logic analysis. After establishing a
    stochastic polynomial matrix model, Chi-Huang Lu et al
    developed a corresponding thermocouple representation
    system by establishing the model of random polynomial
    matrix. Su Juanhua et al
     have studied and discussed design
    process and design approach of a specific plastic injection hot-
    runner mold. Zhang Weizhong et al
     researched the nozzle
    that is one of the parts of a hot-runner system, and  then did
    detailed design and CAE analysis for it. These researches
    greatly promoted plastic injection mold hot-runner design
    from different angles. However, the design work involves
    complicated knowledge about material, structure, mechanics
    and machining, therefore, the integration of processes of
    structure design, corresponding expressions solving, and
    temperature field simulation analysis is required. Lacking of
    the knowledge support or only focusing on unilateral research,
    a complete design can hardly be done. For multi-cavity molds,
    the number and the structure of cavity must be designed
    according to quantity and specifications of the products since
    inpidual design lacks of reusability thus resulting in low
    Having researched and formalized expressions of the
    knowledge about design process of multi-cavity injection
    mold hot-runner, the author established a knowledge base of
    hot-runner design, and integrated conceptual design, structure
    design and assembly design for seriation design of multi-
    cavity hot-runner structure. The author also performed
    temperature control system design and temperature field
    simulation analysis through the connection of structure
  1. 上一篇:弯曲焊接单元英文文献和中文翻译
  2. 下一篇:模具设计与制造外文参考文献及翻译
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