
    (二 ) Sustainable urban development
    In accordance with the international understanding of sustainable development, sustainable urban development must take into account the economic subsystem, social subsystem, the ecological subsystem three unity and coordination to achieve a win-win situation for urban economic benefits, social and ecological benefits. Including the following (a new red, 2005; Chen Jing, 2005): (1) economic development and sustainable urban development. The city as the most important of human society, the highest concentration of production and consumption places, consumption, transformation with a lot of energy, and a variety of other resources. Sustainable development requires not only economic growth in the number and requirements to improve the quality of the economy, improve economic efficiency, energy conservation, waste reduction, and the implementation of clean production and the development of recycling economy. (2) the use of resources, environmental protection and sustainable urban development. Urban use of its production system consumption of non-renewable resources and renewable resources, production and life services for residents, while its producers and residents continue to the natural system of emissions from the production and life waste. If you do not consider the sustainability of natural resources (especially non-renewable resources) and environmental capacity of the ecosystem, to meet the needs of contemporary urban development, but it is bound to become the constraints of sustainable development. (3) social progress and sustainable urban development. Into the 20th century, after the leaves, urban ecological deterioration is increasingly common, serious and urban pauperization together with the globalization of ecological problems affect the further development of the city. Sustainability of urban development requires people to build a new culture of "ecological culture" as the core system, including the establishment of sustainable consumption patterns; promote ecological civilization; social management efficiency; social security and service system is sound, comprehensive service ability; population structural optimization.
    二、Traditional industrial park ecological missing its consequences
    Industrial Park is an urban industrial activities in key areas. With the vigorous development of the industrial park around, they have a great contribution to promote the synchronization process of urbanization, industrialization, but also brought a lot of contradictions and problems. The ecological status of the traditional industrial park, caused by the reflection of the traditional industrial park development model.
    (一 ) The traditional ecological Industrial Park missing
    1.Economic development is too extensive. The tide of industrial transfer, the industrial park is a city investment, an important carrier for the development of export-oriented economy. Due to the urgency of investment throughout the lower conditions for enterprises to enter the park, resulting in some industrial park within the park industry is perse, varying in size, product technology content and added value is generally not high, leaving a hidden danger for future park benign development. The same time, the development of industrial parks around the evaluation one-sided emphasis on quantitative indicators of investment number of output value, total exports, and neglect the inherent competitiveness, eco-efficiency, innovation, environmental protection, and other quality indicators, further contributing to the extensive development of the industrial park mode.
    2.Ecological basis is generally weak. Many industrial park control planning, a lack of medium-and long-term macro space layout, environmental protection facilities, such as the lack of overall ecological design, ecological basis generally weak. First of all, there is no development of rational function planning, resulting in a park function and distribution chaos, let alone build ecological space layout and form from the pattern of the spatial structure of the dematerialization. Second, the construction of environmental protection facilities and orderly guide to the lack of scientific planning, park just through hardened, lighting, greening and beautification to be modified in the sewage treatment plant and pipeline laying, environmental protection facilities of all kinds of pollutants, emissions processing system relatively weak.
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