    Human beings sustainable living and development needs, which calls for urban development must be sustainable. Sustainable urban development of cities in economic, social and ecological complex system all tend to be reasonable structure, organizational excellence, balanced and efficient operation, coordination evolution. Industrial Park as a very important growth of the urban economy, its economic influence is growing. High concentration of industrial activities in the park, resulting in a significant impact on the urban environment, but on the other hand, form a symbiotic association between industrial sectors and nutrient cycling provides convenient space. Be seen that the model of development of the industrial park of great significance for achieving sustainable urban development strategy. A lot of literature on sustainable urban development studies at home and abroad, but the practice of sustainable urban development and industrial parks combine little study literature, the literature about the relationship between the two more general reference to, and no combination of sustainable urban-depth study of the ecology of the industrial park.7203
    Missing and ecological reconstruction. Therefore, this article is to explore.
    一、The meaning and content of sustainable urban development
    (一 ) The connotation of sustainable urban development
    Traditional urban development concept is based on the only signs of economic growth as a measure of development, this concept of development to aggressively pursue the city's GDP, and GDP growth to become the city's economic development goals and motivation. However, a serious consequence of the development strategy of the one-sided pursuit of GDP growth: produce backward, such as air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, infrastructure, water shortages, energy shortages, traffic congestion, urban green space is a serious shortage of tourism resources destruction, the widespread presence of these issues so that the ecology of urban residents need not normally meet, also severely hampered the city has social, economic and environmental functions of normal play, greatly restricts the city can sustainable development. Beginning in the 1990s, in the city under the framework of sustainable development theory to explore constantly active, this in-depth discussion of different scholars from different angles. Representative point of view is as follows (FAN Shi Chen, 2005): Walt city in order to sustainable development, must be reasonable use of its own resources, the process of seeking a friendly, and focus on one of the efficient use of, not only for contemporary sake, but also for the sake of future generations; Ao Nishi think the purpose of sustainable urban development is nothing more than a the survival capacity based green garden city, the city's natural potential is realized. Sustainable urban development lies in coordinating the relationship between the economy and the environment, but the urban environment due to the external environment deteriorated; World Health Organization (WHO), the city can be held
    Sustainable development should be the minimum use of resources under the premise of the urban economy towards more efficient, stable and innovative direction evolution; Aliyev Tucker, sustainable urban development should pursue a human interaction in a social context, dissemination of information and culture The great development of the city, full of vigor, stable, fair as a symbol, and no crime. From the literature Overall, the connotation of sustainable urban development is mostly from the point of view of city resources, environment, economic, social representations. Define different connotation of sustainable urban development, but the clear common ground is the mode of sustainable urban development should abandon the traditional urban development, excessive consumption of resources, pollution of the environment mode, trying to establish a new economic-social-ecological values re-weigh the economic, environmental and social costs, and to establish a modest production, moderate consumption, saving resources and environmental protection, development model.
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