    Design of stepping dosing system
    Abstract:The stepping dosing system of this object is an automation system which use a stepping motor to drive,transferring Signal back to the hydraulic system and dosing in a proper way. At the same time it is also a auxiliary system for vibration cleaning system.
     The process of the system is as follows: At frist,stepper motor driver send pulse and the signal.moreover,the stepper motor will receive the signal and make the required rotation.So the ball screw nut and the piston of drug cylinder can be led into a linear motion,and this motion is limited by the slideway,it can also complete the sucking and dosing movement though pipes and check valve.
     The Design and analysis of this system mainly includes the design of check valve and remedy container as well as the design of the drug cylinder of the hydraulic side; the design of the ball screw nut, the guide rail and coupling portion of transmission system; the selection of stepper motor and the design of its bracket.Overall,it is important to complete the task according to the requirements of the flow and time , and make a discussion and analysis of the entire vibration.Comparing with the previous dosing system, this design make a optimization, check valve designed to be a special one so that opening pressure can be adjusted easily . And it can ensure the sucking and dosing movement conveniently.
    Key Words:stepping ;dosing ;ball screw nut ;check valve ;opening pressure
    一、 绪论    1
    1.1 研究的目的和意义    1
    1.2 研究课题的国内外现状和发展趋势    1
    1.2.1  定量灌装包装产业    2
    1.2.2  应用定量加液的清洗产业    2
    1.3 课题涉及的内容以及模型分析    3
    1.3.1典型简易定量加液系统模型    3
    1.3.2 药缸的介绍和相关分析    3
    1.3.3 单向阀的介绍和相关分析    4
    1.3.4 滚珠丝杠螺母副的介绍和相关分析    4
    1.4 步进加药系统的设计内容和技术要求    5
    1.5 本课题的重点和难点    5
    1.5.1 课题设计的重点    5
    1.5.2 课题设计的难点    6
    二、 方案论证和比较    7
    2.1  液压元件特殊应用材料的选择    7
    2.2  驱动方案的选择    7
    2.3传动机构连接方式的选择    8
    2.4步进电机型号、药缸类型、单向阀类型以及控制方式的选择    9
    三、 系统元件结构的计算分析和设计    10
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