
    Dive into the dynamics of spur gears, the design and stress analysis, and introduces the helical gear, bevel gear, and turbine related issues.
    Discuss the spring design, the design of the fasteners such as screws, including the drive screw and fasteners.
    This article introduced the design of disk and drum clutches and brakes and technical specifications.
    Mechanical design
    A complete machine design is a complicated process. Mechanical design is a creative work. Design engineer at work not only creative, must also be in mechanical drawing, kinematics, engineering material, materials mechanics and machine manufacture technology has profound basic knowledge.
    Any product the first step is to choose the product in the design of each part of the composition of the material. Many of the materials used by today's designers. For the features of the product, its appearance, material cost, manufacturing cost make necessary choice is very important. On the material properties must be carefully assessed in advance.
    Careful calculations are necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the design. In the case of any failure, it is better to know that there are defective parts in the original design. Calculation check size (drawing) is very important. A decimal point position is put wrong, can lead to a project failure could have done. All aspects of design work should check and review.
    A computer is a tool, it might help to ease mechanical designer tedious calculations, and provide further analysis to the existing data. Interactive system based on computer capabilities, has made the computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM). Psychologists often talk about how to make people adapt to their operating machine. Design personnel's basic responsibility is to strive to make the machine to adapt to people. This is not an easy job because in fact does not exist a is optimal for all the operating scope and operating process. Another important issue, the design engineer must be able to communicate and consult with other relevant staff. In the early stages, the designer must communicate and negotiate with management personnel, preliminary design and get approval. This is typically through the oral discussion, sketches and written materials.
    As discussed, the purpose of mechanical design is the product production can satisfy human needs. Inventions, discoveries and scientific knowledge itself is not necessarily can bring benefits to human, only when they are applied on the product to produce benefits. Thus, should realize before a particular product to carry on the design, must first determine whether people need this product.
    Shall apply mechanical design as a mechanical designer creative ability in terms of product design, system analysis and formulate product manufacturing technology is a good opportunity. Master the basic knowledge of engineering is more important than to memorize some data and formula. Only use the data and the formula is not in a good design to make all the decisions. On the other hand, should really accurate for all operations. For example, even if put wrong a decimal point position, also can make the correct design errors.
    A good design personnel should dare to put forward new ideas, and willing to assume a certain risk, when the new method is not available, use the original method. Therefore, designers have to be patient, because it takes time and effort doesn't guarantee success. A new design, requirements regarding many old, known as the method. Because many people stereotype, is not an easy thing to do so. A mechanical designers should continuously explore the method of improving existing products, in the process should be carefully choose the original, after verification, the design principle of the combined with new ideas without verification.
    New design itself has many defects and had failed to anticipate problems, only when these defects and other problems be solved, can manifest the advantages of new products. Therefore, a superior performance products, was born at the same time, also associated with higher risk. It should be stressed that, if the design does not require the use of new methods, there is no need only to change the purposes of the new method.
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