
    Finally, based on pattern design standards, and establish the model for the future. Testing if it is in conformity with the requirements of the beforehand, and then to make some changes to your initial design, making it possible on the manufacturing cost is reduced. The design of the product need to continuously explore and develop. Many solutions must be research, experiment, improve, and then decide to use or give up. Although the content of each engineering problem is unique, but the designer can follow similar steps to solve the problem.
    Product liability lawsuit forcing designers and company in selecting materials, using the best program. In the process of material, five of the most common question is: (a) don't understand or will not use the latest and greatest information on materials used; (b) failed to foresee and take material reasonable use (if possible, designers should further forecast and consider due to product the consequences of improper use. In many product liability lawsuits in recent years, due to the incorrect use of products and hurt the plaintiff accused manufacturer, and won the ruling); (c) the use of material of the data is not complete or some uncertainty data, especially when the performance data for a long time not updated; (d) the quality control method is not appropriate and unproven. (e) by some totally incompetent material options.
    Through the analysis of the five questions above, can lead to these problems is live without good reason. To these questions research analysis to avoid the occurrence of these problems and direction. Although USES the best material selection method also cannot avoid product liability litigation, designers and industry in accordance with appropriate procedures for selection of materials, can significantly reduce the number of lawsuits.
    Can be seen from the above discussion, the choice material people should to the material properties, characteristics and processing methods have a comprehensive and basic understanding of.
    In subsequent years, production and after-sale service to accept the new idea of change, or by trial and experience, on the basis of further analysis and improvement.
    Some design rules
    In this section, it is suggested to use to replace and improve creative attitude. May create a more practical, more economical and more durable products.
    In order to stimulate creative thinking, the following rules is to design and analysis of proposal. The first six rules particularly suitable for designers.
    To creative use of need of physical properties and control process.
    Understanding the impact of load and its significance.
    Load forecast didn't think of.
    To create more favorable conditions of load.
    Provide a good stress distribution and rigidity of the minimum conditions.
    The simplest equation are used to optimize volume and area.
    Choose composite materials.
    Prepared by careful selection of raw materials and indispensable component.
    Adjust the effective design scheme, to adapt to the production process and cost reduction.
    Sets the conditions for the position of the good accuracy in order to make the component installation without interference.
    Mechanical design including the content:
    To the design process, design need formula, and introduces the factor of safety.
    Review of material properties, static and dynamic loading analysis, including beam, vibration and impact load.
    The basic rule of back stress and failure analysis.
    Mechanical fracture under static failure theory and static load analysis.
    Fatigue failure theory and emphasized under the condition of pressure close to high cycle fatigue design, which is often used in the design of rotating machinery.
    Delve into mechanical wear mechanism, the surface contact stress and surface fatigue phenomenon.
    Check the shaft design using fatigue analysis technology.
    Focuses on the theory and application of lubricating oil film and rolling bearing.
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