
    There is also a business model of the model is very important that the data model.Data model mainly refers to the object data entities.
    For example,an order will be saved to the database,to obtain orders from the database.We can separate this model,all the operation of the database is only.
    MVC Design Model
    Secondly, the data returned as a result of the model without any display format, so these models can also be directly applied to the use of interfaces.
    Third, as a result of an application to be separated into three, it is sometimes one of them will be able to change to meet changes in the application.
    An application of business processes or business rules change simply changes the model layer MVC.
    The concept of control layer is also very effective, because of its different models and different views together to complete various requests, the control layer can be said to be included in the concept of a user request for permission.
    Finally, it is also beneficial to the management of software engineering. Because each different layer, each layer of different applications have some similar characteris-
    tics, is conducive to the adoption of engineering and management tools of program code generated.
    The shortcomings of MVC
    Design and implementation of MVC is not very easy, easier to understand, but for developers the requirements are relatively high. MVC is just a basic design idea, but also the need for careful design and planning.
    Model and the strict separation of view may make debugging more difficult, but easier to find errors.
    Experience has shown that, MVC as a result of the application is pided into three, means that the number of code files, so the need for document management.
    Costs point thought.
    Above, MVC is a very good software to build a basic model, at least the separation of processing and display, forcing the application is pided into model, view and control layer, making you seriously consider the additional complexity of the application of these ideas into the structure, an increase of application scalability. If we can grasp this, MVC model will make your application stronger, more flexible and more personalized.
    简介 论文网
    模式-视图-控制器设计模式被认为是几个Web应用程序的框架例如:Asp.net,Rails以及Struts的基础。MVC设计模式一开始是在Smalltalk-80的编程环境里开发,这一编程环境开发与Xerox PARC。随着时间的推移,MVC已经更加适用于web框架,它以许多种方式不断的被人们改编,因此,和原始的Smalltalk安装过程相比,MVC各个版本的安装过程各不相同。
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