    PHP in China the present and future development of parsing In recent years we can see that the enterprise for PHP is more widely used, at the same time related to PHP Web development talent demand is rapidly warming, Analysis of different industries of Chinese websites, we can see that domestic, including Google, baidu, netease, sina, sohu, tencent, alibaba, qihoo, eBay, Yahoo, jinshan each big web site are looking for PHP whiz. PHP is already from when I started out of "grassroots" era and is now a member of the "giants", PHP is last year at the top of the list in the list of computer language. Now if the website in PHP.31575
    The present situation of the PHP
    1. The world's 50 million Internet sites, more than 60% use PHP techniques;
    2. PHP workers will increase by 42% in 2010, more than 13% of JAVA and. 24% of the NET;
    3. PHP is one of the world's five most popular programming languages, and is the only selected scripting language;
    4. More than 80% of the country's domestic dynamic website using PHP development;
    5. AlexaTOP500 rankings, China has 394 using the PHP technology, at 78.8%.
    PHP, with its flexible and efficient characteristics to achieve the various terminals and platforms of Internet applications, due to it has the following features:
    1. Customized based on Web
    2. The LAMP architecture security and stability
    3. Simple and quick and strong extensibility
    4. The enterprise application is developing rapidly
    The following is the comparison of various pages included number:
    Php: 2157431849
    ASPX: 1371639400
    Java: 671583022
    Asp: 11441849320
    Collection of various types in the search engine to prove: a lot of language to develop web site, there is only one can master; In terms of web technology, PHP application more widely. All this information to give us a signal transmission: PHP technology now.
    PHP development in the future
    Use PHP to build websites quickly is the large number of "personal webmaster" in China, the rapid development of the PHP is beyond the scope of the imagination of many experts, it's all because of China's grassroots webmaster, Chinese grassroots adsense is one of the important force to promote the development of Chinese network. In addition, because PHP scalability and a large number of available open source projects, can provide large amounts of resources support for the PHP application developers. They can quickly get what he needs the function of the project, plan, or specific code. As is known to all, PHP has long been considered is the grassroots programming language. So PHP is a big factor in the development of large enterprises and institutions to the size of the recognition. But with the advantages of PHP heavier exists, makes the government, big companies such as senior colonel the increase of the computer science department of PHP project, PHP's performance is very prominent in recent years, greatly improved the everybody confidence when choose PHP. In addition, from the face of the global PHP development over the past two years, many manufacturers began to focus on PHP, a consortium of it's more, improving the function of PHP in a large project. Under the environment of pervasive Internet applications, web, cloud computing, Internet and other new concepts will continue to create new industries and services. And to support the new technology industries and services system must belong to PHP. But with the rise of 3 g and mobile Internet technology, more and more PHP WEB application is selected as the mainstream of technology solutions. In addition, it is worth mentioning that PHP Zend technology company regular founding company will PHP to enterprise applications. So for the domestic like PHP, should have a lot of opportunities waiting for you to grasp.
    In the comparison with other similar programming language, PHP has the development speed, high efficiency, good safety, strong extensibility, the characteristics of free open source; Review and PHP in nearly 10 years of development, look to the future trend of the development of the Internet industry, we may safely draw the conclusion: PHP development momentum unstoppable, will become the mainstream technology in the field of WEB development system in the future.
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