
    conditions and found that black painted envelopes resulted in up to
    7 ◦C (per unit volume of interior space) higher temperature than the
    corresponding white painted envelopes. Uemoto et al. [6] showed
    that cool colored paint formulations produced significantly higher
    near infrared radiation reflectance than conventional paints of sim-
    ilar colors, and measured a more than 10 ◦C reduction in surfacetemperatureswhen exposed to infrared radiation. Reagan and Ack-
    lam[7] calculated the total building heat gain reduction when roof
    surface reflectivity increased from 0.35 to 0.75. In July, the reduc-
    tions were 6.4% and 4.8% in Tucson, Arizona with ceiling thermal
    resistances of 2.5 and 5.88m2 K/W respectively. Griggs [8] found
    up to 65% reduction in heat flux through a white roof compared to
    black roof with the same thermal resistances of 1.32m2 K/W.
    1.2. Previous experimental studies—the impact of reflective
    coatings on energy consumption and peak demand
    Several published articles focus on the potential reduction in
    energy consumption for air conditioning and peak demand, which
    are important parts of energy costs. Energy consumption and peak
    demand savings with reflective coatings strongly depend on cli-
    matic conditions (except for the envelope and coating material
    properties and space type/configuration). Most studies were con-
    ducted in California: Akbari et al. [9] compared cooling energy
    and peak power consumption of two identical school bungalows
    with different roof reflectivities and found a 3.1 kWh (35%) sav-
    ings in cooling energy as well as 0.6 kWpeak demand savings with
    reflective roofs. They also concluded [10] that increasing the roof
    reflectance of commercial buildings in California from about 20%
    to 60% decreased the roof temperature on hot summer afternoons
    by 7.2 ◦C. In another study [11], they reported electricity savings of
    0.5 kWh/day (or 33Wh/m2/day) by increasing roof reflectivity from
    26% to 72%, which translates into annual energy savings of about
    125 kWh. For the same location, Hildebrandt et al. [12] measured
    daily air-conditioning savings of 17%, 26% and 39% in an office, a
    museum and a hospital with high reflectivity roofs. Parker et al.
    [13]monitored six homes in Florida before and after application of
    high-albedo coatings on their roofs. Reduction in air-conditioning
    electricity consumption was measured between 11% and 43% with
    an average saving of 9.2 kWh/day, and reduction in peak power
    demand (occurs between 5 and 6 pm)was 0.4–1.0 kWwith an aver-
    age reduction of 0.7 kW. They also monitored seven retail stores
    within a strip mall in Florida. After applying a reflective roof coat-
    ing, a 7.5Wh/m2 (25%) drop in daily summertime cooling-energy
    use and a 0.65W/m2 (29%) decrease in demand were realized [14].
    Akridge [15] reported daily savings of 75Wh/m2 (28%) for an edu-
    cation building in Georgia by painting the galvanized roof with
    white acrylic coating. The same researcher [16] also measured
    a reduction of 33 ◦C in peak roof temperature of a single storey
    building after application of a thermal control coating. In Nevada,
    Akbari and Rainer [17] measured daily air-conditioning energy
    savings of 33Wh/m2 (only 1%) in two telecommunication regen-
    eration buildings. In Texas, Konopacki and Akbari [18] measured
    daily energy savings of 39Wh/m2 (11%) and peak-power reduction
    of 3.8W/m2 (14%) in a large retail store when a reflective mem-
    brane was used. Energy savings in an office building in Mississippi
    reached 22% after application of a reflective roof coating [19].In
    Hong Kong, Cheung et al. [20] showed that 30% reduction in solar
    absorptance can achieve 12% saving in annual required cooling
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