    Abstract Al2O3–ZrO2 coatings were deposited using a
    vacuum arc deposition system equipped with two co-planar
    cathodes. The plasma was injected into a cylindrical
    magnetic duct through annular anode apertures toward a
    substrate or an electrostatic ion current probe positioned on
    the duct axis, in vacuum and in a low-pressure oxygen or
    argon ? oxygen background. Ion current and arc voltage
    measurements and visual observation of the cathode spots
    were used to find stable arcing conditions, using a straight
    plasma duct configuration. The cathode spot operation and
    transport of the plasma beam in the duct were studied as a
    function of arc current (Iarc = 25–200 A) and oxygen or
    oxygen ? argon pressures (P = 0.1–1.5 Pa). Coatings 5073
    were fabricated by exposing Si or WC–Co substrates
    simultaneously to Al and Zr plasmas using a 1/8 torus filter
    configuration in O2 ? Ar pressures. The coating compo-
    sition, structure, microhardness, adhesion, and wear
    behavior were studied as functions of the deposition
    parameters. Favorable conditions for stable arcing were
    obtained with Iarc = 75 and 100 A for Al and Zr plasmas,
    respectively. The ion current decreased, and the arc voltage
    increased with the oxygen pressure. Behavior of the ioncurrent and arc voltage suggested that cathode poisoning
    started at P = 0.5 Pa. Deposition rates were 0.3-0.6 lm/
    min, depending on the substrate position. All coatings were
    ‘‘Zr rich’’, i.e., the Zr:Al ratio was in the range of 1.2–5.6
    depending on the substrate position and deposition condi-
    tions. The coatings with higher ZrO2 concentration were
    harder and had better resistance to wear. The coating’s
    hardness reached a maximum of *22–24 GPa at a depo-
    sition temperature of 500 C or a negative bias voltage of
    75–100 V.
    Oxides, e.g., Al2O3, are promising as wear-resistant coating
    materials for protecting cutting tool edges during high
    temperature operation, due to their superior high temper-
    ature stability [1]. However, being ionic compounds, they
    are generally more brittle than carbides and nitrides of
    transitional metals and also less adherent to tool substrates
    Al2O3 and ZrO2 coatings, as well as Al2O3–ZrO2 coat-
    ings with different Al2O3:ZrO2 ratios were studied previ-
    ously. Al2O3 is used in cutting tool applications as a bulk
    material for cutting inserts, and in wear-resistant coatings
    for cutting tools—as an intermediate or top layer in mul-
    tilayer coatings [1, 3]. Al2O3–ZrO2 coatings were depos-
    ited by various techniques, such as electrochemical
    deposition [4] and plasma spray [5–7] which were used for
    thick coatings as well as physical vapor deposition (PVD)
    [8–11], mainly used for thin coating deposition. Addition
    of ZrO2 to Al2O3 improved mechanical properties in
    structural bulk ceramics [12], and thick Al2O3–ZrO2
    coatings deposited by plasma spray [6, 7] and electron
    beam evaporation [8]. ZrO2 is presently used mainly foroptical and thermal barrier coatings [13]. Addition of
    Al2O3 to ZrO2 stabilized ZrO2 in its tetragonal phase
    (t-ZrO2)[9]. Moreover, ZrO2 and Al2O3 have almost no
    mutual solubility [14], and thus may be deposited as a two-
    phase nano-structure with greater hardness (H) than pre-
    dicted by the mixture rule [15].
    Most articles discussing PVD of Al2O3–ZrO2 coatings
    focused on using Al2O3 to stabilize the t-ZrO2 phase [9, 16,
    17]. For example, by controlling the Al2O3/ZrO2 ratio in
    nano-laminate coatings, t-ZrO2 was deposited using reac-
    tive d.c. magnetron sputtering at a low substrate tempera-
    ture of Ts = 150 C[9]. Klostermann et al. [10] deposited
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