
    ken as 15 years. Total initial cost consists of the initial cost of the
    ACS and the cost of the building insulation.
    The initial and operating costs of the ACS and the insulation cost
    of the building are given in Table 11 for all building types consid-
    ered in this study.
    Results of the economic analyses are given in Table 12. From the
    table it is seen that at the end of the lifetime (15 years), the pres-
    ent-worth cost of the no insulation building is $302,873 for the
    CAV air distribution system. There is almost no difference between
    the insulated buildings (<2.8%). The present-worth cost for the
    insulated buildings is approximately 26% smaller than that for
    the no insulation building.
    In the case of the VAV air distribution system, the trend is sim-
    ilar to that for the CAV. While the present-worth cost of the no
    insulation building at the end of the lifetime is $223,634, its value
    for Buildings A, B and C are, respectively, 17.5%, 19.6% and 20.6%
    less than for the no insulation building.
    Annual variation of the overall present-worth cost of the ACS for
    all building types are presented in Figs. 6 and 7 for VAV and CAV
    systems, respectively. From the figures it is seen that the pres-
    ent-worth cost of the no insulation building is always higher than
    that of Buildings A, B and C even from the initial installation of the
    system. The difference between the no insulation building and the
    insulated buildings continually increases during lifetime. These re-
    sults show that the insulation applied to the building envelope for
    all thicknesses considered in this study is feasible.
    In this study, Building C, which has the least thermal insulation
    among the insulated building types, was compared with Buildings建筑保温对冷负荷的影响及湿热地区空调系统的案例研究
    关键词:保温  减少冷负荷  节能  建筑节能性能
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