
    ‘cost per part’ [11]. It is the main goal of a mould designer to
    minimize this figure. When energy efficiency is introduced as a new
    sub-goal, related KPI’s might include:
     Energy required for producing a plastic part, 
     Overall number of parts to be produced with the mould,
     Wasted energy, due to residual cooling time, per part
     Effort and time required for designing the mould,
     Effort, energy and resources for mould manufacturing,
     Expected life-time of the mould, and
     Effort and energy required for mould change.
    The estimated number of parts to be produced with the mould can
    be considered as key constraint  when carrying out a cost benefit
    analysis. The impact of costs as well as energy related
    consequences, having in mind an overall optimum, are conflicting
    with the discrete optimum of a  single mould. The mould designer
    must not forget about the basic constraints with respect to part
    quality and required productivity. 
    The research work had to take into account that most injection
    moulds are designed inpidually as these are unique or produced in
    very small number of units. There are general similarities, but due to
    the complex engineering of cooling systems inside a mould, one
    cannot easily reuse existing design solutions for similar products. In
    automotive industry for example, the OEM is accumulating
    thousands of different CAD-based mould designs for different types,
    variants as well as prototype parts. It is a challenge to reuse this
    knowledge. Regarding energy efficiency in injection moulding, only
    little knowledge is available so  far. Peças et al. for example
    assessed the difference in environmental impact between different
    manufacturing methods for moulds with low production volumes
    [12]. For larger production volumes they discovered the
    environmental impact of the mould manufacturing phase becoming
    insignificant in comparison to the use stage of the mould [13]. 
    Our work is accompanied by a case study in the automotive
    industry, where injection moulds are designed, built and used in
    production for medium to large quantities. Hence, main challenge
    addressed was to elaborate an approach to capitalise the available
    engineering knowledge and gather new knowledge about energy
    flows as well as energy efficiency in the use phase of injection
    moulds. This is e.g. identification of correlations between design
    alternatives and their impact on energy efficiency in production. This
    paper presents feedback from the use phase of moulds that can be
    exploited for design of new moulds. 
    2.3   Analysis of Injection Mould Design Impact
    For being able to assess an impact on energy efficiency, there is the
    need to analyse the existing mould  design with respect to the
    required quality, effort, energy and costs. These requirements have
    to be put in relation to the necessary energy to produce a part. The
    existing design knowledge base had to be analysed to find out what
    relevant information could be useful for the mould designers and / or
    process engineers considering aspects of energy efficiency in
    production phase. The idea was to set-up a knowledge repository to
    continuously collect information and provide a possibility for
    evaluation accordingly. Thiede,  Spiering and Kohlitz showed that
    structuring energy information of  injection moulding processes in
    sub-phases is beneficial to analyse the influence of energy
    efficiency measures due to the dynamic behaviour of electricity
    demand [14]. This approach is pursued in this paper. The work was
    structured in the following main phases:
    1. Structure the injection mould design procedure in main tasks,
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