
    Core element of the injection moulding process is the injection mould
    itself that is operated on the injection moulding machine while
    requiring a pump and cooling water as well as additional equipment
    for drying granulate and handling / transportation of produced parts.
    These appliances consume electrical energy, which is the key energy
    source in injection moulding. As presented in [8], shares of energy
    consumption for hydraulic injection moulding systems split up as
    follows: Mould temperature regulation (36,1%), the machine drive,
    screw and control (47,2%), the plasticising unit heating (16,7%). 
    The machine, as the main consumer of energy seems to be the first
    lever towards a more energy efficient production. In fact, a 30% to
    60% cut of energy costs can be achieved by investing in new
    machinery, changing from old hydraulic to all-electric machines [9].
    This measure is regularly taken into account while planning
    infrastructure investments. This  principle is also applicable for the
    other equipment such as dryers, pumps, etc..
    Targeting only at the appliances directly consuming electrical energy,
    leaves out the injection mould. Our key idea was to analyse the
    combination of mould, machine, material and auxiliaries. The
    required energy per part is considered as being quite stable when
    combining a part specific mould with a specific machine. There are
    two categories of sub-processes in the injection moulding processes: 
     Energy consumption is partially determined by granulate
    plasticising, closing and  opening the machine. Those
    parameters are directly influenced by the shot weight, part
    geometry and mould size. These are considered as stable
    determinants (focus part – machine – combination).
     In contrary, the mould temperature regulation and the
    plasticising unit heating are  mainly characterised by consuming energy over time. Especially in machine-idle-
    situations in the injection moulding process. E.g. residual
    cooling time can be considered as machine idle time.
    The definition of residual cooling time is: Minimum theoretical
    cooling time that is required for solidifying under optimal cooling
    conditions, due to material and volume, plus additional cooling time,
    due to inefficiencies of the mould’s cooling system minus processes
    in the injection moulding cycle overlapping cooling time.
    The logical assumption was to aim at a reduction of such inefficien-
    cies (i.e. improving the cooling system) for being able to reduce
    specifically the energy required for temperature regulation and
    plasticising unit heating (focus mould – machine combination).
    2.2   Challenge Addressed
    The mould’s cooling system is an integral part of the injection mould
    and determines its cooling efficiency. Cooling channels are usually
    manufactured by drilling. The holes are joined (intersecting holes or
    by hoses) or separated by plugs to create a directed flow of cooling
    liquid inside the mould. It is not easy to make substantial changes to
    the cooling system once it is manufactured. Therefore, the design of
    the injection mould is the ideal stage in the life cycle for having an
    impact on cooling inefficiencies. As also [10] identifies, it is
    extremely challenging to forecast  future energy consumption of a
    mould precisely at the design stage.
    The assessment whether an injection mould’s cooling system is
    optimally designed can’t be solely connected to the minimisation of
    cooling inefficiencies. To determine the degree of optimality of the
    injection mould’s cooling system and its impact on the energy
    efficiency in manufacturing, key performance indicators (KPI) are
    needed. The most important KPI in injection moulding is and will be
  1. 上一篇:硬质聚氯乙烯管接头模具设计英文文献和中文翻译
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