
    where: Pi  defect ``i'' rating; Iext  defect extent index; Ij  joint's
    service life penalty index; It  traffic penalty index (in terms of
    comfort or safety); Iloc  defect location index; Ie  structure
    penalty index; Ip  population penalty index; Cvt  traffic volume
    coefficient; Cepsurrounding population coefficient. Table 2 provides an indication of the degree of urgency of repair
    of a defect based on its rating and of the general actions to be taken.
    To establish reliable values and numerical limits for Eq. (1)
    and Table 2, it was paramount to test them and scrutinize the
    results within the inspection campaign performed. These results
    are succinctly presented:
     total number of defects: 369;
     minimum rating: 1.2;
     maximum rating: 52.8;
     average rating: 9.5;
     number of defects classified as non-urgent (see Table 2): 265
     number of defects classified as mildly urgent (see Table 2): 66
     number of defects classified as urgent (see Table 2): 37 (10%);
     number of defects classified as very urgent (see Table 2): 1
    The rating of the 369 defects identified in the sample is
    graphically presented in Fig. 10 where abscises represent defects
    (arranged from the lowest rating to the highest) and ordinates
    show the rating obtained.
    Based on the results obtained a diagram (Fig. 11) was built in
    which theminimum, average andmaximumratings are presented
    by defects category (except for AG because nonewas found), from
    which the following conclusions can be drawn: defects in categories AD Anchorage to the structure and AE
    Joint/joint material are the ones that are rated higher; the
    maximum values, around 50, are very close to the limit above
    which it is necessary to cut traffic and immediately repair the
    defect, even if only temporarily;
     the second most rated defects (around 40) fall into categories
    AB Geometry and AA Transition to the pavement/pavement;
    even if they do not achieve the level of urgency associated with
    those of the categories mentioned above, a repair within a 3
    month time-frame is still necessary;
     categories AC Movement and especially AF
    Watertightness/drainage are the oneswith the lowestmaximum
    ratings; in the first case, that is explained by the small number
    and importance of the defects identified in the sample; in the
    second case, this situation was predictable since the major im-
    plications of these defects are related with the structure's ma-
    terial and not with traffic (Eq. (1) therefore leads to low rating
     comparing categories AB Geometry and AA Transition to
    the pavement/pavement with categories AD Anchorage to the
    structure and AE Joint/jointmaterial, it is found out that the first
    ones have lower maximum ratings but slightly higher average
    ratings; thismeans thatmost defects in categories AB and AA
    are more serious than those in categories AD and AE;
     in terms of minimum rating, defects in category AC Movement
    are the oneswith the highest value, leading to the idea that even
    the slightest defects of this type are somewhat important.
    4. Conclusions
    The size of the inspection campaign performed and the sample's
    intrinsic characteristics, namely the typology and bridges age,
    allowed a consistent calibration of the road bridges expansion
    joints management system proposed, e.g. within the Brisa
    The calibration of the system comprised two different stages:
    the validation of the classification systemand the validation of the
    correlation matrices. Some changes in the system resulted from
    both stages, namely the designation of the single elements within
    the lists and the correlation matrices indexes. In relative terms
  1. 上一篇:机械工程英文文献和中文翻译
  2. 下一篇:塑料注塑模具设计外文文献及翻译
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