
    number of joints of this type in the sample had been greater, it is
    feasible that other potentially usefulmethods would have been
    identified, namely in what concerns checking watertightness;
     the use of acoustic/noise measurement techniques is not
    limited to big joints, theoretically noisier, or to prefabricated
    joints with fastening problems; in fact, these methods are also
    extremely useful in the diagnosis of other types of defects such
    as loss of flatness or materials deterioration (percussion with a
    3.6. Maintenance and rehabilitation techniques
    In the campaign a total of 430 maintenance and rehabilitation
    techniques showed potential, averaging 1.16 techniques/defect. Of
    the 25 techniques proposed within the management system (and
    presented in [1]), 20 were identified (80%).
    The distribution in percentage by category of the maintenance
    and rehabilitation techniques identified as potentially useful
    within the sample is as follows: RA cleaning (6), RB transition
    to the pavement/pavement (31), RC anchorage to the structure
    (25), RD geometry/movement (7), RE joint/joint material (22),
    RF watertightness/drainage (9), and RG users comfort (0). The
    results are very close to those of the defects, proving the coherence
    of the categorization proposed.
    Within the most frequent category RB Transition to the
    pavement/pavement, the inpidual technique that was identified
    as most adequate in most cases to correct the defects was
    sealing/localized refilling of transition areas affected (65% of the
    cases, followed by integral/partial replacement of the transition strip
    with/without reinforcement, with 23%, and pavement refilling, with
    12%), proving that the level of degradation of these defects is not
    very high. The good level of conservation of the joints within the
    Brisa network is also testified by the low percentage of cases when
    technique RE8 Total replacement of the joint (2.7%) is put forward.
    Fig. 9, with the distribution of maintenance and rehabilitation
    techniques by category and type of joints (minus types 9, 11 and
    12), allows the following conclusions:
     asphaltic plug joints (JBM) and nosing joints with poured
    sealant (JSME) are the types of joints in which rehabilitation
    interventions mostly have to do with the constituent material;
    this is coherent with the nature of these joints and with their
    service life that is relatively short;
     reinforced elastomeric cushion joints (JEA) and elastomeric flexible
    strips (BFE) show again a trend towards frequent interventions
    at the level of the fastenings (in particular the replacement of
    the sealing of the anchorage cavities);
     open joints (JA), steel sliding plates (PMD) and especially
    reinforced elastomeric composed joints (JEAC) are the types that
    require greater care in terms of cleaning (category RA); this is
    due to their shape that favors the accumulation of debris;
     the greater dimensions of reinforced elastomeric composed joints
    (JEAC) and occasional existence of complex functioning systems
    cause a relatively greater need for interventions to correct
    defects related with geometry and movement;
     almost 90% of the interventions identified as potentially
    necessary in buried joints under continuous surfacing (JOPC) fall
    into category RB Transition to the pavement/pavement; this
    expected result is coherent with these joints' characteristics;
    the remaining 10% fall into category RD Geometry/movement.
    3.7. Rating of the defects
    The management system developed proposes a rating of the
    defects using the following equation (explained in detail in [1,4]):
    Pi D 0:2Iext
    6I j C 1:2It  Iloc  Cvt C 5Ie
    C 2Ip  Cep (1)
  1. 上一篇:机械工程英文文献和中文翻译
  2. 下一篇:塑料注塑模具设计外文文献及翻译
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