
    The fourth section  Hydraulic system
    Road roller hydraulic system in hydraulic system contains three main subsystems, the vibration of hydraulic system, hydraulic system and steering hydraulic system. Three pumps, vibration, steering the triple combination pumping. Walking pump with a gear pump in back tax and penalties as a hydraulic system pump, at the same time, also provide pressure to the brake cylinder oil. II. driving hydraulic system with a dual-motor pumps consisting of parallel closed-circuit.
    System operating pressures up to 40MPa. Driving pump for the variable displacement piston pump, piston driving motor for variable before, it constitutes the best combination and planetary reducer.
    Drive motor is also variable piston after, enter the end connected to the gearbox and rear axle assemblies. Pump to control the angle of oblique to change high pressure oil flow and direction, so as to change the direction of travel of the machine and speed; variable piston by electromagnetic valve with two oblique angle, so that the machine has four speeds, to meet the needs of different operating conditions. III. vibration of hydraulic system of vibratory hydraulic system is made up of single pump Dan Mada closed hydraulic circuit, maximum working pressure of the system is 38MPa. Vibration pump for variable inclined plate piston pump, vibration motor for quantitative inclined axis piston.
    By manipulating electromagnetic valve, you can make the vibration of pumps swashplate with opposite two variable oblique angle, so that different direction and flow of high pressure oil pump output, vibration motor with resulting different steering and speed to vibrations at different frequencies and amplitudes vibration.
    Four steering steering hydraulic system using open-circuit hydraulic system, the system working pressure 16MPa. By steering pump, hydraulic steering gear, two steering cylinders and tubing and other components. Steering pump gear pump. Five hydraulic system of hydraulic control system and accessories also include integrated control valve block, collection block, and tanks, filters, coolers, accessories.  Hydraulic brake oil of systems at the same time for the braking system provides.
    The fifth section  Drive system system
    Drive system system is composed of driving hydraulic system, rear axle Assembly. I. driving pump, driving motor driven pump and motor function in the hydraulic system has been introduced.
    Triple, vibration, steering pump through elastic coupling connection on the fly-wheel of the engine.Hose connection for driving pumps and motors. Rear axle drive motor connections on the rear axle Assembly gear reducer, input power drive rear axle drive shaft rotation after; vibration wheel-drive motor with planetary gear reducer constitute one connection in plum of vibratory wheel on plate Assembly, powered by the motor to the plum blossom plate Assembly, Phillips-driven plate Assembly vibration wheel rotation. In order to reduce and even eliminate the adverse effects of vibration on driving cars and drivers, plum blossom plate Assembly and connection of vibration between wheel is equipped with imported high quality damping blocks. II. rear axle Assembly rear axle Assembly by reducer, wet multiple brakes, Central planetary reducer transmission, drive axle, wheel, wheels and other components. III. low pressure wide cross section of OTR tire tire assembly tire. 
    Specifications for 23.1 per cent, inflation pressure 1.1kgf/cm2.
    The sixth section Vibration wheel assembly
    Vibrating wheel assembly of vibratory wheel assembly eccentric of vibratory wheel axis, amplitude modulation device, vibration, vibrating wheel vibration of driven motor, bearings, vibration motors, mobile support, housings, plum flower plate, left and right connection brackets and so on.
    I. vibratory wheel of vibratory wheel diameter of 1600mm, width 2170mm. Vibrating wheel plate rolling body butt into its round smooth, uniform wall thickness, can ensure the vibration compaction effect uniform, preferably in the pavement of compaction effect and can be used as static compacted solid. Body cavity loaded vibratory wheel bearings, eccentric axis, amplitude modulation device, this sealed Chamber containing Mobil-629 Mobil gear oil.
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