    Description   . 248
    225DP100 Caliper   . 249
    200DPA Caliper  . 252
    HC3 and HD3  . 254
    Air Over Hydraulic Intensifier   . 257
    Airflex® Caliper Disc Brakes
    Section H
    Airflex® Caliper Description
    Section H
    Caliper Description
    Caliper disc brakes are ideally suited for mostlarge torque, high energy stopping applica-tions. By proper choice of actuating pressure,number of calipers per disc, number of discsand disc diameter a braking system can becustom designed for most applications.19988
    The calipers are of the opposed piston design.This design permits fixed mounting of the caliper and the brake disc. Symmetrical split construction of the piston housings permits a
    center reaction mounting and the ability to
    accommodate brake discs of different thick-
    nesses. Friction shoes attach to the caliper
    actuating pistons and are replaceable without
    disturbing the caliper mounting. Pressurizing
    the piston cylinders causes the piston mount-
    ed friction shoes to clamp the disc, developing
    the braking torque.
    Caliper model 225DP100 is designed with self-
    adjusting retracting mechanisms which com-
    pensates for friction material wear and main-
    tains a constant running clearance between the
    friction shoes and brake disc. They also main-
    tain a constant displacement volume and
    hence a constant response time for each brake
    Model HC-3 and HD-3 calipers are designed
    for very heavy duty braking service. The
    design automatically compensates for runout
    on large diameter brake discs. Because of this
    feature, they require manual adjustment to
    compensate for friction material wear and to
    maintain a constant volume displacement for
    actuation. Model HC-3 requires a mounting
    between the piston housings. Model HD-3 is
    used for side surface mounting.
    Low coefficent friction shoes are available
    which permits the calipers to be used as
    tension brakes.
    All three caliper models can be air or hydraulic
    actuated. The pressurizing media must be
    specified to insure proper piston seal compati-
    bility. Two seals are available: one for air and
    Split construct
    and diameters
    customer requ
    Air or hydrauli
    The DP and H
    either air or hy
    existing system
    torque capabili
    Large piston a
    The large pisto
    actuating press
    Ventilated disc
    Ventilated brak
    bilities and imp
    minimize down
    Ease of mainte
    Friction pads c
    disturbing calip
    are visible for e Where used:
    • Conveyors
    • Flywheel Brakes
    • Mining Equipment
    • Railroad Maintenance Equipment
    • Tension Brakes
    Caliper disc brakes are ideally suited for most large torque,
    high energy stopping applications. By proper choice of actuat-
    ing pressure, number of calipers per disc, number of discs
    and disc diameter a braking system can be custom designed
    for most applications.
    The calipers are of the opposed piston design. This design
    permits fixed mounting of the caliper and the brake disc.
    Symmetrical split construction of the piston housings permits
    a center reaction mounting and the ability to accommodate
    brake discs of different thicknesses. Friction shoes attach to
    the caliper actuating pistons and are replaceable without dis-
    turbing the caliper mounting. Pressurizing the piston cylinders
    causes the piston mounted friction shoes to clamp the disc,
    developing the braking torque.
    Caliper model 225DP100 is designed with self adjusting re-
    tracting mechanisms which compensates for friction material
    wear and maintains a constant running clearance between
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