




    This study is the leading force in the new media - from the media, the profit model of Sustainable Development in the moment of the big media environment. Self-classification by the media, the concept and the existing profit model case analysis, to discuss sustainable development in the possibility of self-realization of the media, and to summarize the elements required by the media to achieve sustainable profitable development, and identify possible the reason hindered from media profit model of sustainable development, to find a solution. Experience came to the conclusion, from the media profit model of sustainable development possibility exists and has "sustainable" development. By "Luo Ji thinking", "a little reading," "School of bread," "a," "the micro" as the representative of the common characteristics of successful cases can be summed up: output quality content is the basis, on the basis of on the establishment of a clear distinctive personality attributes of the district, and to "brand" as the core concept, brand maintenance itself into a brand display platform, third-party access to capital, to ensure continuous output of its high-quality content, marketing efforts do not decay and the opening of the brand value-added services. While the brand in the medium run from the "community" in the form of a better brand value in the population as a unit of "community" can be mentioned in the hunting, to physical products, services, products and other forms of practical realization, in order to ensure profitability sustainability model.

    Innovation of this paper is to present studies for the domestic segments of new media from the media is not very extensive, the author on this basis for the classification from media studies to determine the scope of the study, and its existing irregular profit model sort, we find elements of sustainable development which, combined with practical case studies pointed out the sustainable development of the pattern from the media profitable way.

    Keywords:we media; profit modle; the sustainable development;

    摘    要

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