    摘要: 以正硅酸乙酯、苯基三甲氧基硅烷、二苯基二甲氧基硅烷、甲基苯基环体、乙烯基双封头等为原料,采用酸、离子交换树脂为催化剂,制得乙烯基苯基硅树脂。研究不同方案、催化剂、反应温度、反应时间对树脂黏度的影响,以及苯基三甲氧基硅烷用量对折射率影响;结果表明,苯基含量、反应温度、反应时间对硅树脂的黏度有影响;苯基含量越高,折射率越大;最佳反应温度70℃,时间为5.0 h。苯基含量对产物折射率有较大的影响,当苯基含量为一定时,产物的各性能最佳。以此方案合成的硅树脂为主要原料,配成LED 用硅酮密封胶,其黏度可调节、折射率在1.5350左右、透光率较好,固化的硅树脂可用于液晶显示器的背光、户外大型显示、广告标牌等功率型LED的封装。10374
    关键词: 乙烯基环体,乙烯基苯基硅树脂,折射率,功率型,LED
    Development of High Permeability LED Silicone Structural Sealant
    Abstract:Using TEOS, phenyl trimethoxysilane, two phenyl two methoxy silane, methyl phenyl ring body, vinyl dual-head as raw materials, using acid, ion exchange resin as catalyst, preparation of vinyl phenyl silicone resin. Study on the effects of different schemes, catalyst, reaction temperature, reaction time on the viscosity of resin, and phenyl trimethoxy silane on effect of refractive index; results show that, with effect of the viscosity of phenyl content, reaction temperature, reaction time on the silicone resin; the higher the phenyl content, the refractive index of the greater; the optimum reaction temperature 70 ℃, time is 5 h. Phenyl content has great influence on the outcome of the refractive index, when the phenyl content is certain, the property of the product is the best. According to this solution, silicone resin as the main raw material, with LED silicone sealant, its viscosity can be adjusted, the refractive index is better in the rate of 1.5350, transparent, silicon resin can be used in backlight of liquid crystal display, a large outdoor display, advertising signs and other power type LED encapsulation.

    Keywords: Vinyl ring body, vinyl phenyl silicone resin, refractive index, power, LED
    目 录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 电子封装材料    1
    1.2 电子工业对灌封胶的基本要求    2
    1.2.1 加成型高透硅酮结构密封胶    2
    1.2.2 硅树脂的黏度对LED灌封胶黏度、硬度的影响    3
    1.3 加成型高透LED用硅酮密封胶的组分    4
    1.4 LED用高透硅酮密封胶的优势及发展前景    6
    1.4.1 高透明性    6
    1.4.2 耐久性    6
    1.4.3 使用便捷    6
    1.4.4 发展前景    6
    1.5 选题目的与意义    7
    1.5.1 选题目的    7
    1.5.2 选题意义    7
    1.6 研究内容    8
    1.6.1 研究目标    8
    1.6.2 研究内容    8
    2 实验部分    9
    2.1 主要原料    9
    2.2 实验用仪器与设备    9
    2.3 乙烯基苯基硅树脂的合成    10
    2.3.1 方案一    10
    2.3.2 方案二    10
    2.3.3 方案三    10
    2.3.4 方案四    10
    2.4 催化剂的合成    11
    2.5 剪切粘结强度    11
    2.6 密封胶的固化    12
    2.6.1 制备工艺    12
    2.6.2 产物的结构表征方法    13
    3 结果与讨论    14
    3.1 合成路线的概述    14
    3.1.1 路线一    14
    3.1.2 路线二    15
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