



    毕业论文关键词  双目视觉 锻件  非接触测量  标定 滤光片


    Title  Technology of measuring wind power spindle thermo forming visual 


    The purpose of this paper is to do non-contact measurement of wind power main shaft thermal molding process by using binocular vision  measurement, collecting the pictures from forgings forging process under high temperature, using some software to do analysis and  calculations and the three-dimensional size forgings to judge if it meets the requirements of process documents, and lay the foundation of intelligent control quality forgings thermo forming.

    Shape forging process to establish the size of thermoforming visual sensing measurement test system architecture; lens transformation  matrix based on traditional calibration methods, producting calibration block, choose the right camera, to carry out simulation tests. Select a steel plate heated to 300 ℃, respectively collecting the plate contour image under100 ℃, 200 ℃, 300 ℃ , doing the collected image feature extraction, calculating the plate size according to the principle of the calibration draw and analyze the reasons for the relative error. Select a aluminum alloy plate heated to 300 ℃, respectively collecting the aluminum alloy  plate contour image under100 ℃, 200 ℃, 300 ℃ , doing the collected image feature extraction, calculating the plate size according to the principle of the calibration draw and analyze the reasons for the relative error.

    By studying the image signal acquisition, image optimization, edge extraction, with camera calibration method to design the size of the measurement system forging.

    Keywords  binocular vision, forgings, non-contact measurement, calibration


    1   绪论 1

    1.1   课题研究背景 1

    1.2   国内外相关技术研究现状 2

    1.3   双目视觉测量方法 4

    1.4   课题主要研究内容 8

    2   大尺寸锻件双目视觉测量系统的建立及标定试验 8

    2.1   大尺寸锻件双目视觉测量系统结构建立 8

    2.2   大尺寸锻件双目视觉测量系统的搭建 9

    2.3   大尺寸锻件双目视觉测量系统标定方法的确定 10

    3   大尺寸锻件双目视觉测量系统模拟试验 17

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