    摘 要本论文首先构建了四种改性聚甲醛的成核剂分子,成核剂A(MDI+KH550)、B(MDI+环己胺)、C(聚乙二醇接枝二氧化硅)、D(MPEG(5000)- MDI -MA)。利用红外分析、差热扫描分析DSC及力学性能测试考察对聚甲醛(POM)结晶结构与力学性能的影响。研究结果表明:加入成核剂A,C,D后聚甲醛抗冲击性增强、断裂伸长率也有明显的提高。成核剂D:MPEG(5000)-MDI-MA改性POM后比起纯POM025断裂伸长率的增长率为4.46%,缺口冲击强度提高了3.767KJ/mm2。DSC测试显示四种成核剂的加入使得POM025实际结晶化温度都提高,尤其是成核剂D过冷度相比纯POM025减小0.42℃,降温结晶时能够最先形核利于POM的晶粒细化,加快结晶速率,从而缩短加工周期,能够达到提高生产效率的结果。综合分析显示成核剂D改性聚甲醛的成核和抗冲击性能效果最佳。关键词: 聚甲醛; 成核剂; 力学性能; 结晶9140
     The preparation of nucleating agent and its effect on the nucleation and mechanical properties of POM
    Preparation of nucleating agent A(MDI+KH550),B(MDI+cyclohexane),C(Polyethylene glycol (peg) grafted silica),D(MPEG(5000)- MDI -MA).The effect of nucleators on the crystallizing and mechanical properties of POM was investigated through FI-IR, Differential Scanning Calorimetric (DSC) and Mechanical properties Testing. The experimental results show that the nucleator A ,C,D cause POM impact resistance increased, the elongation at break increased obviously. Nucleator D:MPEG (5000)-MDI-MA modified POM elongation growth rate is 4.46%, impact performance improvement 3.767KJ/mm2. DSC test shows four kinds of nucleating agent is added to POM make crystallization temperature increased, particularly the nucleating agent D minimum undercooling is 0.42℃ lower than POM, to the first cooling crystallization nucleation beneficial grain refinement of POM, speed up the crystallization rate, so as to shorten the processing cycle, the result of the production efficiency can be improve . Comprehensive analysis showed that nucleating agent D (MPEG (5000) - MDI -MA) modified POM impact performance is best.
    Keywords: polyoxymehylene;nucleator;Mechanical properties;crystallization
    目 录
    1 前言    1
    1.1 聚甲醛POM的性能概述[1-3]    1
    1.1.1 聚甲醛成核剂的作用机理    1
    1.1.2 POM成核剂的分类[5~6]    2
    (1)无机类成核剂    2
    (2)有机类成核剂    3
    (3)高分子成核剂    4
    (4)复合成核剂体系    4
    1.2改性聚甲醛POM成核剂国内外研究现状    4
    2研究目的和意义    6
    2.1 研究目的    6
    2.2 研究意义    6
    3实验部分    7
    3.1实验原料    7
    3.2实验设备    7
    3.3成核剂制备原理    8
    3.3.1 成核剂A    8
    3.3.2成核剂B    8
    3.3.3成核剂C    8
    3.3.4成核剂D    10
    3.4 样品制备    10
    3.4.1 POM/ 成核剂A共混物的制备    10
    3.4.2 POM/成核剂B共混物的制备    11
    3.4.3 POM/成核剂C共混物的制备    12
    3.4.4 POM/成核剂D共混物的制备    12
    4结果与讨论    13
    4.1成核剂D红外测试FT—IR    13
    4.2改性POM力学性能测试    13
    4.2.1拉伸试验    14
    4.2.2 简支梁抗冲击试验    15
    4.3 四种成核剂的DSC测试    16
    5结论    17
    致  谢    18
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