
    摘要本文主要研究了铝表面双丝堆焊Fe-Al金属间化合物。在试验过程中对试样进行分组,逐步对焊接工艺参数进行了优化,根据焊后的焊缝成形的好坏不断的调节焊接参数,在5mm铝表面堆焊Fe-Al金属间化合物,钢丝的送丝速度为6.5m/min,铝丝的送丝速度为4.5m/min,焊接速度为50cm/min时,堆焊层的成形一般;在10mm铝表面堆焊Fe-Al金属间化合物时,焊接速度为50cm/min,钢丝送丝速度为8m/min,铝丝送丝速度为5.5m/min时,得到成形较好的铁铝金合金层。通过对Fe-Al合金层的微观组织、结构、物相构成、硬度等性能进行分析,结果表明焊缝的硬度取决于其中铁成分的含量,堆焊层中铝的含量增加,硬度值也会增加,但是会降低焊缝的塑韧性,甚至会引起焊接裂纹。 68181

    毕业论文关键词:Fe-Al合金  双丝焊  金相  硬度


    Title  Aluminum surface of Fe-Al alloy layer surfacing process  test research                                       


    This paper studies the double wire welding aluminum surface Fe-Al intermetallic compounds. During the test, the samples are grouped, gradually the welding process parameters were optimized, according to weld after welding continuously adjust the quality of the welding parameters. 5mm aluminum surfacing in Fe-Al intermetallic compounds, when steel wire feed speed 6.5m/min, aluminum wire feed speed 4.5m/min, the welding speed is 50cm/min, surfacing layer forming general; 10mm aluminum surfacing in Fe-Al intermetallic compounds, the welding speed is 50cm/min, steel wire feed speed is 8m/min, aluminum wire feed speed 5.5m/min obtained when forming better almandine gold alloy layer. Through the Fe-Al alloy layer microstructure, structure, phase composition, hardness and other properties were analyzed, the results show that the hardness of the weld depends on the content of the component in which iron, aluminum content in the cladding layer increases, the hardness values are also increase, but it will reduce the plasticity and toughness of the weld and may even cause weld cracking.

    Key Word: Fe-Al alloy    twin-arc welding     Metallographic 


    目  次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  选题的意义及应用背景 1

    1.2  Fe-Al金属间化合物的研究现状 2

    1.2.1  Fe-Al金属间化合物现状及发展 2

    1.2.2 Fe-Al金属间化合物制备与分析 2

    1.3  钢与铝的焊接性 4

    1.4  双丝电弧焊研究现状及进展 5

    1.4.1双丝焊研究现状 5

    1.4.2  双丝焊的前景 6

    1.5 本课题的研究内容 7

    2  试验设备及材料 8

    2.1  试验设备 8

    2.2  试验材料 10

    2.2.1  焊接母材及焊丝 10

    3  试验分析 11

    3.1  铝钢焊接的难点 11

    3.2  试验方案设计 11

    3.3  焊接操作过程 12

    3.4 试验结果分析

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