





    Title  On the relationship between TiAl alloy lamellar orientation and pulling velocity


    However,because of the brittle of TiAl alloy limit its industrial application.Directional solidification technique can control the grain orientation,and improve the plastic of TiAl alloy.This method can improve the comprehensive Performance of TiAl alloy.

    First,using induction melting to prepare Ti-45Al-6Nb  alloy ingot and Ti-45Al-6Nb alloy bar.Second,the bars were placed into alumina crucibles coated with Y2O3 , which can reduce the reaction between melting alloy and crucible. Third,designing appropriate induction heating coil for the directional solidification. Finally,we use a W-Res/26 thermocouple to test the heat preservation temperature.

    The macroscopic structure of directional solidified Ti-45Ai-6Nb bar shows four regions:casting region,directional anneal region, competition growing region and directional solidified region.Directional solidified regions are composed by columnar crystal.The lamellar orientation is shown in the columnar crystal.There are certain angle between most of lamellar orientation and the pulling direction,a few of lamellar orientation parallel or vertical to the pulling direction.At the holding temperature of 1550℃ and a pulling velocity of 5µm/s,Ti-45Al-6Nb alloy can get a better directional solidification organization.The primary phase is β.And there is a β single-phase in the process of solidification.

    Keywords: Ti-45Al-6Nb alloy,Directional solidification,Lamellar orientation,Pulling velocity

    目   次

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目次 IV

    1 引言 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.1.1 TiAl合金的基本性能 1

    1.1.2 合金化元素对TiAl合金性能的影响 2

    1.1.3 TiAl合金的制备技术现状 3

    1.1.4 TiAl 合金的应用 4

    1.2 TiAl基合金组织结构 5

    1.3 研究现状 7

    1.3.1 Ti-45Al-6Nb合金的性能特点 8

    1.3.2 Ti-45Al-6Nb合金的定向凝固制备 8

    1.4 本论文研究内容

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