



    毕业论文关键词  Al-Mg合金,层错能,势函数,EAM势,弛豫


    Title    Simulated calculation of stacking fault energy   for Al-Mg alloy on the atomic scale                                                 


        Studies have shown that aluminum magnesium alloy is made up of large grain polycrystal, fault is the important eigen parameters of plastic deformation of metals and alloys had important effect on the deformation mechanism and mechanical behavior. And the influence of the fault is characterized by the size of the fault can, therefore, this article will be on Al - Mg alloy layer fault can further research.The EAM - Liu potential, this paper studies the pure Al layer fault type of fault can be different differences and relaxation and dislocations that can; After joining a magnesium atom of pure Al, mg atoms in crystals in different position of fault can influence; And the content of magnesium on alloy layer can be influence by mistake.Results show that (1) different types for the pure Al layer structure model of fault can be wrong, after relaxation are generally lower; Twin type wrong layer type fault can be significantly less than intrinsic and external talents can wrong layer type wrong; the value of energy for Intrinsic fault and Extrinsic fault is similar. (2) when add a magnesium atom in pure Al, different Mg atoms placeholder have little effect on neither relaxed or unrelaxed stacking fault energy. (3) for the I type and T type of fault structure model, the fault can be reduced with the increase of Mg content of atom. For the E type of fault, the fault can be increased with the increase of the content of Mg atoms.

    Keywords  Al-Mg alloy,  stacking fault energy,  potential function,  EAM potential,   relaxed  

    目  次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景及目的 1

    1.2  研究现状 2

    1.3  本课题研究目的与目标 3

    2  Al-Mg势函数 4

    2.1  势函数简介 4

    2.2  EAM势 4

    2.3  MEAM势 5

    2.4   Al-Mg合金的势函数 6

    2.5  本文使用的势函数

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