



     Preparation and characterization of Porous Cerium Oxide Membranes of Y doped by Anodization

    Abstract:In this paper, anodized cerium membrane was prepared by anodization method. The technological parameters on thickness of anodized cerium membrane were studied, as follows, current density, ammonia concentration, temperature. The anodized cerium membrane of Y doped was prepared by anodization method. The technological parameters on thickness of anodized cerium membrane of Y doped were studied, as follows, Yconcentration, temperature, current density, ammonia concentration. The effects of heat-treated temperature on phase structure of anodized cerium membrane were studied. The effects of heat-treated temperature on phase structure of anodized cerium membrane of Y doped were studied. Surface morphology, composition and phase structure of anodized cerium membrane were characterized by SEM, XRD and IR respectively while conductivity were measured.

    The research results showed that the better process parameters of preparation of anodized cerium membrane in sodium oxalate -ammonia - glycol electrolyte are studied, as follows: The better process parameters of preparation of anodized cerium membrane of Y doped in sodium oxalate - ammonia - glycol electrolyte were studied, as follows: Y concentration was 1.4mmol/L, temperature of anode oxidation was 24℃,current density was 0.5mA/cm2, ammonia concentration was 4.1mol/L. Under this condition, the thickness of the prepared cerium oxide film was 18.5μm. The electrical conductivity of cerium oxide membrane, Y doped cerium oxide membrane was 7.4×10-5S/cm, When the temperature was 550℃. XRD results showed that cerium oxide membrane of Y doped prepared in sodium oxalate - ammonia - ethylene glycol aqueous solution was composed CeO2, which was cubic fluorite structure ; The crystal of CeO2 is completed after it was calcined at 400℃ for 2 hours. IR results showed that the ethylene glycol and water was adsorbented on surface of cerium oxide membrane of Y after heat treatment at 200℃.

     The innovation points of this paper: anodized cerium membrane of Y Gd doped prepared by anodization had not been reported yet; anodized cerium membrane prepared in sodium oxalate - ammonia - ethylene glycol aqueous solution had not been reported yet. 

    Key words: SOFC ; CeO2 ; anode oxidation ; rare earth


    1前言 1

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