

    毕业论文关键词: 铝合金;热处理;比容差法;残余应力

    Measurement of volume change and study of Residual stress of aluminum alloy under different heat treatment processes

    Abstract:In this article,the specific volume difference method was used to study aluminum alloy’s volume change under different heat treatment process,then Thermal expansion test was conducted to verify this method.After that,XRD was applied to test the residual stress of  aluminum alloy under heat treatment from the perspective of what aluminum alloy volume changes,in order to analysis the rules of the residual stress .The results show that aluminum alloy’s volume change could be weighed out with accuracy,and the relative error of Specific volume difference method less than 25% comparing the results of thermal expansion test by calculating,which indicated the feasibility and high accuracy of specific volume difference method.The results of XRD test indicated that the residual stress was compressive stress,and different for different heat treatment process samples,ranging from 110MPa to 300MPa.Specificly,as far as 2024 aluminum,residual stress was the largest aging at the temperature of 200℃,then it decreasd with the increase of aging temperature.According to the results of the specific volume difference method,it was discovered that with the ingcrease of aluminum volume under aging treatment,the residual stress emerged.And the results increased along with the increase of aging effect.

    Keywords:aluminum alloy; Heat Treatment;Specific volume difference method;Residual Stress 

    目 录

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 铝合金简介 1

    1.2 铝合金的时效处理 1

    1.2.1 铝合金时效处理的目的 1

    1.2.2 铝合金时效处理特点 2

    1.2.3 铝合金时效强化原理 2

    1.2.4 影响时效的因素 2

    1.3 相变过程体积变化及残余应力测量的方法 4

    1.3.1 体积变化测量方法 4

    1.3.2 残余应力测试方法 4

    1.4 研究目的与意义 5

    1.5 研究内容与目标 6

    2 实验内容 7

    2.1 实验原料和设备 7

    2.1.1 实验原料 7

    2.1.2 实验设备 7

    2.2 热处理实验

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