    (1) AZ31镁合金在经过8个道次的变面轧制过后,晶粒得到细化,轧制过程中发生动态再结晶,产生大量的晶体畸变,同时在晶体内部产生明显的孪晶。
    (2) AZ31镁合金的力学性能在变面轧制之后得到了提高。强度提高了接近50%,同时,韧性并没有降低,反而也增加了约20%。
    (3) 经过8道次轧制之后的AZ31镁合金织构弥散,晶粒分布较为均匀。导致变形协调性变好,塑性变好,可成型性好。19257
    关键词:AZ31镁合金  变面轧制  晶粒度  力学性能  织构
    Title  The Microstructure and Properties Evolution of AZ31Mg  Alloy  After  Surface  Rolling                                              

    This article researches the AZ31 Mg alloy after face changing rolling, mainly analyzes the microstructural evolution, the changes of Mechanical properties, the changes of texture before and after face changing rolling.
    In this paper, we conduct the extruded AZ31 Mg alloy after 350 ℃ 15min treatment by face changing rolling. we use the way of Metallographic observation, Static mechanics experiment, Fracture morphology analysis, X ray diffraction to observe the changes the microstructural evolution, the changes of Mechanical properties and the changes of texture following the conclusions:
    (1) After 8 passes face changing rolling, the grain of AZ31 Mg alloy is refined .During the process of rolling, it happened Dynamic recrystallization, produced a lot of crystal distortion and in the same time produced the Significant twinning in crystals.
    (2)Mechanical properties of AZ31 Mg alloy have been improved after face changing rolling. Strength increased by close to 50%,At the same time, the toughness is not reduced, but also increased by about 20%.
    (3)After 8 passes face changing rolling, the texture of AZ31Mg alloy dispersion, Grain size distribution was more uniform. Cause the deformation better coordination, plastic deformation, shape good.
    Keywords:AZ31 Mg alloy,Face changing rolling,Grain size,Mechanical properties,Texture
     目  录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1引言    1
    1.2镁合金的分类和发展    1
    1.2.1镁合金的分类    1
    1.2.2 镁合金的发展及应用    1
    1.3 镁合金的强化机制    3
    1.3.1镁及镁合金性能    3
    1.3.2镁合金的强化机制    3
    1.4镁合金的塑性变形机制    4
    1.5研究内容及研究意义    8
    2 材料及实验方法    9
    2.1 实验材料    9
    2.2变面轧制    9
    2.3 微观组织观察    10
    2.3.1金相观察    10
    2.3.2 断口观察    12
    2.4 单轴拉伸实验    12
    2.5 X射线衍射实验    13
    3  实验结果及分析    13
    3.1微观组织及断口形貌    13
    3.2 静态力学性能    15
    3.3 XRD衍射织构图    17
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