    关键词 收放路锥、机械手、滚珠丝杠、装配仿真
    Title   Traffic cone retractable design and simulation    of the robot   
    With the development of industrial automation needs of the manipulator in industrial applications play an increasingly important role, thus greatly improving the conditions of workers pulling significantly improve the productivity of labor, speed up the implementation of mechanization and automation of industrial productionthe speed of this graduation project narrative traffic Cone retractable manipulator design and calculation process.
    First, the article describes the course of development of the robot and the importance of the composition of the manipulator classification, indicating that the freedom and the robot coordinates in the form. At the same time, the design industry Traffic Cone retractable manipulator performance, specifications and parameters.
     The article describes the Traffic Cone retractable manipulator design methodology, a comprehensive description of the structural design of the robot hand, wrist, arm and body parts.
    With the design of the robot to grasp the Traffic Cone retractable main steps of the design of the robot, Solidworks software application, the application of mechanics, etc. have greatly improved.
    Keywords  retractable traffic cone、manipulator、ball screw、assembly simulation
    目 次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  机械手的发展简史    2
    1.2  机械手的主要特点    4
    1.3  对机械手的一般要求    4
    1.4  机械手在生产中的应用    5
    1.5  机械手的组成    6
    1.5.1  执行机构    6
    1.5.2  驱动机构    7
    1.5.3  控制机构    7
    1.5  机械手的组成    7
    2  交通路锥收放机械手的总体设计方案    10
    2.1  机械手基本形式的选择    10
    2.2  机械手的主要部件及运动    10
    2.3  驱动机构的选择    10
    2.4  机械臂的技术参数列表    10
    3  手部的设计选择    12
    3.1  手部设计基本要求    12
    3.2  典型的手部结构    12
    3.3  机械手手爪的设计计算    12
    3.3.1  手爪类型的选择以及夹紧装置    12
    3.3.2  手爪的计算设计    12
    4  腕部的设计选择    20
    4.1  腕部设计的基本要求    20
    4.2  腕部的结构以及选择    20
    4.2.1  典型的腕部结构    20
    4.2.2  腕部结构和驱动机构的选择    20
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