    本论文将锅炉汽包水位的控制作为主要研究对象,首先对锅炉生产的工艺流程作出叙述,依次分析造成汽包水位不稳定的各种干扰因素。而后指出了汽包水位调节过程中经常发生的“虚假水位”状况,对其静态特性和动态特性加以研究分析。针对传统PID控制与重点研究的模糊PID控制方式来分析并建模,通过仿真软件MATLAB 下Simulink工具箱来对照观察仿真图像,可以看出传统PID控制方式能满足最基本的控制要求,但存在许多缺陷像超调量过大、前期振荡大等。本论文通过对比仿真图像得出模糊PID控制方式确实比传统PID控制方式有更为出色的控制效果,最终希望模糊PID控制方式在实际中有更深入的应用,促进本理论在控制锅炉水位控制应用方面的推广和发展。35837
    毕业论文关键词:   锅炉汽包水位  虚假水位  PID控制  模糊PID控制
    Abstract The boiler is a very important power equipment in the production of industrial, It has important significance for the safety of workers and the production of the plant when it could operate safety and efficiency . At the present stage,all kinds of power plant and enterprise use oftraditional PID control theory to control boiler water level, general PID control mode can meet basic need in theory, but in actual use fixed PID parameters in response to complex boiler system still exist many defects, and many times need staff to manual operation, the control effect remains to be improved. Fuzzy control theory, fuzzy variable model is constructed by summing up experience and knowledge, learn the advantage of the theory of fuzzy control and PID control function to combine, design a fuzzy PID controller, we rely on the alterable parameter characteristics of boiler water level regulation, It chould get good effect.
    In this paper we set the boiler steam drum water level control as the main research object, first of all to the boiler production process to make narrative, Analysis of various interference factors which cause the boiler drum water level unstable. And then points out the steam drum water level control often occur in the process of "false water level" condition, research on its static characteristic and dynamic characteristic . In view of the traditional PID control and fuzzy PID control way of the key research to the analysis and modeling, the simulation software MATLAB simulink toolbox to contrast observation simulation image, it can be seen that the traditional PID control method can basically meet the minimum control requirements on the water level control, but there are many defects, such as the overshoot amount is too large, the oscillation is too big in the early stage.
    This paper concludes that the fuzzy PID control method by comparing the simulation image than traditional PID control method has better control effect, eventually hopes to fuzzy PID control method have further application in practice, promoting the theory in the control of boiler water level control applications and development.
    Keywords:Boiler Drum Water Level   False Water Level   Fuzzy  PID Control   PID Control
    目   录
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