    本实验以THJ-3型高级过程控制实验装置的三容水箱为被控对象。首先对被控对象的模型进行分析,并采用实验建模法求取模型的传递函数。然后,根据被控对象模型和被控过程特性并加入PID调节器设计串级控制系统,采用MATLAB GUI制作界面对该系统实现监控。
     Design of three tank water level control system based on MATLAB GUI
    Abstract:  Over the years, in the field of process control, MATLAB because of its powerful data processing capabilities is used for system simulation. Even in the monitoring system, the visual interface capabilities of other monitoring software and MATLAB connected to achieve animation connection. Using MATLAB edited intelligent control algorithm as the main control to monitor the control process. It is possible to achieve the monitoring function, but related to the combination of multiple software, easily lead to instability of the system. This experiment is completely based on the MATLAB software, writing the control algorithm, using GUI functions, and monitoring software interface visualization. The stability of the system increased. Using MATLAB GUI can edit screen, and call any of the MATLAB toolbox function, even use M language to write the user wants can realize different function.
    In this paper ,the single tank of THJ-type 3 advanced process control system experimental device as the controlled object,analysing the single-tank system using mixed method to establish the mathematical models of Single tank water. The single loop process control system, using a measuring sensor, a controller and an actuator. Single loop system has the advantages of simple structure, easy to debug, while at the same time to meet with the requirements of industrial process control, applicable to the occasion of the less demanding of quality control, accounting for more than 80 percent in the control system.
    This paper introduces the hung grid ICP series intelligent acquisition module. And the realization of the MATLAB and data acquisition card serial communication connection. The serial is accessible to a user on data acquisition card plug-and-play. Again, using the idea of modularization design, and completed a monitoring platform for the basic functions, such as real-time curve, curve of history, historical data, the database connection, the realization of three-dimensional animation, printing module, alarm module. Finally, using the M language to write a conventional PID to achieve effective control of the level.
    Keywords: MATLAB; GUI; control system; serial com
    目 录
    1.绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究的背景和目的    1
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