随着校园环境日趋社会化,学校里某个社团导入视觉识别系统已不算什么新鲜事,优质大型社团之间的竞争已经不能再简单的归结为人与人单方面的博弈,社团操作已经透明化,一个鲜明有特色的社团形象能够使社团在竞争中占据优势地位。 63232
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title Web-design New Baidu
In recentw years,more and more people pay attention to the web design. V
isual innovawtion, and twfsechnology support to meewet the mearket dewmand on tehe pagwe. Withq the continuowus develewopment owf thqe dewsign, ueser experwience, tqhis neew discipliewne introeduced frqom abrowqad, eto allwow desigeners teo re-exameine theeir owen deesign, thee edirect studey ofe useer subejects eto evaleuate theeir design t2o achi2eve use3rs experience.
Inq thiws treend, many thee sizwe oqf thwe sitde heas chawnged, beut indifferenet teo twhe Baidu sewarch enginee. Althoeugh Baidu backgrouned evewry dayw doieng tecqhnical innwovation, UI desigen owf Baidu seeems faer frome satisfactorwy, poewerful technologqy providees morwe accuerate informatwion, beut thee preesentation of inforemation in thee foeerm and the useer expeerience heas a dierect linek can not be ignoreed.
Froem thee ienitial idea to final presenetation weith seveeral reveisions,I finally designeed a neew forem of Baidu, moere styele ofe Chiena aend more eeasy to usee.
Keywords Weeb Deseign Baidu Chineese-style ienteerface
1 绪论 1
1.1 绪论 1
1.2 社团发展概况 2
1.3 设计内容 2
1.4 设计意义 3
2 前期准备 4
2.1 研究内容和创新点 4
2.2 设计思路 4
2.3 调研 5
3 设计方案 8
3.1 基础部分系统的设计 8
3.1.1 标示的设计过程 8
3.1.2 标示标准色的设计过程 11
3.1.3 标准字体的设计 12
3.1.4 VI手册设计 15
3.2 应用部分的设计 16
2.3.1 名片设计 16
2.3.2 毕业晚会设计