Abstract:Qin Xi HanYin for thousand years, years grinding swings on the cover with a layer of mottled noseless coat.And the Chinese have since ancient times ancient complex part, for this kind of mottled ancient, Indian people natural heart back to hand a copy and thus begin to pay close attention to and used as the file of seal cutting techniques complement method.As the change of era of aesthetic, to strengthen the work force, as a printing method has been an essential part of carving techniques, are widely used in the seal cutting creation.
This article from the perspective of a seal cutting beginners, to look at the outside of the traditional techniques complement technique, combining with the indians have about doing the printing paper and printing in example, from "what do the method", "why do use the method of" and "how to use the printing" three aspects, the hope can have a comprehensive understanding to this, to help seal cutting in the future study.
Keywords:seal cutting,Polishing method,carving skills,technique of writing calligraphy or drawing
绪 论 5
1 润饰法概述 6
2 对历代印论中润饰法的考察 8
2.1 不同的审美角度造成了对润饰法的分歧 8
2.2 润饰法的利弊 14
3 对有代表性篆刻作品中润饰法的考察 16
3.1 对印面不尽人意处的完善,使之达到天趣盎然的境界 16
3.2 强化作品表现力,增加篆刻的艺术趣 19
3.3 润饰失当、终入下品 21
4 润饰法例说 23
4.1 对印章及印面的处理 23
4.2 印章展示的润饰 27
4.3 印材与工具的变化产生的新的润饰方法 29
结 论 31
参考文献 32
致 谢 33
附录: 34
绪 论