
    摘 要:旅游纪念品对于城市旅游业发展而言起到了画龙点睛的作用,它可以看作是城市旅游形象的明信片,是一座城市历史文化和人文习俗的浓缩。笔者通过实地调研以及现场走访的方式掌握了淮安多个旅游景点旅游纪念品的种类和外型特征,不难发现淮安现有旅游纪念品种类单一,在造型和功能上缺乏吸引力且雷同性较高,这将制约淮安旅游业的发展且影响城市旅游形象的塑造。最后笔者提供了三款旅游纪念品设计范例,均从生活角度出发,分别设计了手表、台灯和风铃书签,在形象设计系统理论下阐述纪念品范例的寓意,描述作品如何与淮安的人文历史相结合,又是如何表现淮安文化的与众不同。55362


     Abstract: souvenirs for the city in terms of tourism development has played a finishing touch, it can be seen as the image of the city tourist postcards, and it is also a city of culture and customs of the condensed history of the humanities. The author's field research and field visits manner and appearance characteristics mastered the kind of Huai'an number of tourist attractions tourist souvenirs, not difficult to see a single species Huaian existing tourist souvenirs, unattractive in the shape and function and similar higher. This will restrict the development of tourism and the impact of Huai'an city tourism image. Finally, the author offers three examples of tourist souvenirs, all from the point of view of life, were designed watches, lamps and wind chimes bookmarks, souvenir elaborate moral paradigm in image design system theory, combined with how to describe the work of cultural history in Huai'an, how is the performance of Huai'an cultural difference.

    Keywords: Huaian, souvenirs, image design

    目   录

    1  引言 4

    研究方法 4

    3 一般旅游纪念品设计 5

    3.1 设计准则 5

    3.2  淮安一般旅游纪念品设计的立足点 5

    4  淮安旅游纪念品发展现状 6

    4.1  淮安现有旅游纪念品种类 6

    4.2  淮安旅游纪念品在形象设计上存在的问题分析 7

    4.2.1  与景点文化相脱离,地方色彩不浓厚 8

    4.2.2  不具特色,产品单一,雷同性较高 8

    4.3  问题引发的后果分析 8

    4.3.1  缺乏对淮安旅游经济增长的拉动力 8

    4.3.2  制约了淮安旅游业的发展 9

    4.4  针对现有淮安旅游纪念品市场缺陷所提出的参考意见 9

    5  淮安旅游纪念品创新设计范例 11

    5.1  作品外形阐述 12

    5.2  作品主题、形象和意义阐述 12

    5.2.1  一号作品说明 13

    5.2.2  二号作品说明 14

    5.2.3  三号作品说明 15

    结  论 16

    参考文献 17

    致  谢

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