    本文以大学(沭阳)工业设计与创意产业研究院的实际案例为研究对象,通过大量的调查研究,并结合国内外相关领域的研究成果和经验总结,从满足企业特色与地方特色同时满足工作人员生理、心理需求及企业文化要求等方面入手,对该办公空间的风格特点、色彩、功能规划进行了研究。 本文首先回顾了办公空间设计的历史发展概况,从历史的角度分析企业组织形态和办公空间的演变过程,研究影响办公空间形态的主要因素。其次从实际出发,分析了项目所在地沭阳的地方特色,着重分析了沭阳的历史及楚汉文化对沭阳的影响。对于项目企业,南京理工大学(沭阳)工业设计与创意产业研究院也进行了调研和分析,主要分析了其企业的构成与需要,企业理念和主要发展方向,从而定位企业的风格。最后是我此次设计的说明,主要阐明设计的理念,以及效果图和简单的施工图。关键词  视觉形象  办公空间  地方特色  功能规划7604
    Title    The  Study  On Cultural  And  Creative  Institution  Visual
    Identity Of The Locality Characteristics            
    Mainly to mark the Visual image of the enterprise, standard, standard
    colors as the core of a complete system, system of Visual expression.
    Corporate office space is a vehicle for these elements the most direct,
    is the best place to reflect enterprise image. Office space is a human work
    space with both open and closed space, Office space contains an open spirit
    of place of interpersonal communication. Office space has two functions,
    is an art request, through the interior color, modeling to create a style,
    which convey the purpose of the Visual image of the company. The other is
    to use functions, through the Division of the reasonable workplace to
    enable staff to achieve maximum efficiency in a comfortable environment.
    The other is to use functions, through the Division of the reasonable
    workplace to enable staff to achieve maximum efficiency in a comfortable
    environment. Second is more space in all its aspects such as ergonomics,
    structures and equipment, sound, light, electric integration of various
    This article  examples of  Shuyang Institute of Design and Creative
    Industries  for the study, by a lot of research, and related research results
    and experience in the field of domestic and international, from the
    enterprise features and meet with local staff as well as their physical
    and psychological needs and corporate culture areas, on the styles, colors,
    features, planning of office space was studied.  First of all, this article
    reviews the historical development of office space design, from a
    historical perspective of enterprise organization form and evolution of
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