



    毕业论文关键词:篮球战术  Android

    "Basketball tactics board App"Design and Development


    With the continuous application of modern educational technology in the field of education, can be found on the physical aspects of experimental mechanics network courseware and curriculum in the national public service platform of educational resources or major quality video sites, more and more primary and secondary school teachers to take the initiative to modern information technology with traditional teaching model combined. The design fully into account the needs of middle school students learn physics experiment, the junior high school physics experiment mechanics difficulty doubt make a rational design and arrangement, under the experimental conditions are not sufficient or missing experimental equipment case through interactive Flash courseware so that students can also be performed online learning, and inspire students to learn physics by passion and enthusiasm animation experiment, therefore, the design is different from the traditional single resource type of courseware, teaching process was carefully designed and arrangements to bring the students in addition to visual, hearing, other than to see a new learning experience, a new teaching resource.

    Key Words:  basketball tactics  Android


    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    1 绪论 1

    1.1研究意义 1

    1.2篮球战术板App对比 1

    1.3系统功能概述以及展望 2

    2 系统实现基础原理 4

    2.1研究需求工具 4

    2.2系统原理简介 4

    3 需求分析 5

    3.1需求分析的基本任务 5

    3.2需求分析的基本特点 5

    4  设计总体结构 6

    5 详细设计 7

    5.1主要功能 7

    5.2核心功能代码 18

    6 总结与展望 27

    参考文献 28

    致谢 29


    1 绪论


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