


    The design and development of “internet plus  science knowledge” Animation Design


    Since 2015,premier LiKeqiang put forward the “internet plus”has aroused widespread concern in all walks of life.Not only the traditional industries actively integrate “internet plus”,ordinary people can benefit from  it.But there ara still a lot of people do not undersatand the “internet plus” policy,many people still misunderstand the meaning of it all.So the basic background of the design of “internet plus” action plan and its basic connotation and significance of the answer.And for the community to “internet plus” and“plus internet” pointed out that the difference lies in the thinking of misunderstanding.Finally pointed out “internet plus” educational effects.The design works by using the animated cartoon image of the sun to give it a brief introduction to the learners. 

    Key words:Internet plus;Animation Design;Digital Editing 

    目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstrasct II

    目  录 III

    一 引言 1

    二 设计意图 2

    (一)设计目的 2

    (二)设计意义 2

    三 编写设计分镜头脚本 2

    四 Flash动画设计技巧 12

    (一)动画风格技巧 13

    (二)制作时注意事项 13

    五 影片剪辑 13

    (一)导出素材 13

    (二)检查素材 14

    (三)配音并剪辑 14

    (四)剪辑素材 14

    (五)影片输出 15

    (六)相关软件 15

    六 总结 16

    参考文献 16

    一 引言




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