    On the application of architectural elements in book design
    Abstract:In the field of modern design, illustration design can be said to be the most performance, it has close ties with the art of painting. Many of the techniques of illustration art is drawing on the performance art of painting techniques. Marriage of illustration art and painting art makes the former both in the persity of expression skill of exploring, or in the design of the depth and scope of the theme, has made considerable progress, demonstrating a more unique artistic charm, which is more expressive. In a sense, became the basic disciplines of painting, illustration became the subject of application. Throughout the history of the development of illustration, expanding the scope of its application. Especially in the information developed today, people's daily life is full of every kind of business information, illustration design has become a reality. On the other hand illustration makes art culture naturally into the product, formed a kind of aesthetic guidance and triggered the process of aesthetic education has the characteristics of the times. In the most popular design in the field of art, for the guidance and education of aesthetic, cognitive understanding now also has flaws. This kind of phenomenon analysis not only embodies the humanism of modern art design, and to the future development of aesthetics.
    Keywords: Illustration; packaging; form of beauty; aesthetic psychology
    摘要 1
    绪论 3
    一、糖果包装设计在市场中的调查状况 4
    (一)    糖果包装设计在市场中的定位 4
    (二)    调研糖果包装设计的表现形式 4
    (三)    糖果包装在国内市场上的情况 4
    (四)    糖果包装在国外市场上的情况 4
    二、糖果包装中的起源与发展 5
    (一)    糖果包装的分类 5
    (二)    糖果包装设计的发展 5
    (一)  插画与糖果包装的应用发展进程 6
    (三)  插画在糖果包装中应用的特点与价值 6
    四、“甜馨儿”糖果包装设计的思路 7
       (一)  “甜馨儿”最初思路 7
       (二)  糖果包装设计的风格统一 7
       (三)  制作糖果包装设计的过程 7
       (四)  修改糖果包装设计的过程 8
    五、结论  8参考文献  8致谢  9
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