




    Abstract:The modern interior design of China is rapid growing in recent years.And it has made tremendous development, through the imitation of the eastern and western traditional interior design and modern western interior design period, and gradually embarked on the road of innovation. From the point of view, in recent years, many domestic works, most of the scientific and technological content is relatively high, a bold attempt to use new materials, using new technology, create indoor new interface shape and space form, to achieve better line, space combination and spatial form, give a person find everything fresh and new feeling and bright times. So many new environmental protection material to enter the market, with traditional materials do not have the advantage.

    As one of the most closely related to people's daily life, modern interior design pays more attention to the combination of nature, health, humanities, art and life, and to pay attention to the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. Energy saving and environmental protection problem subsequently received attention, especially on the market of material of new-style environmental protection concern, and how to efficiently use the new environmental protection materials in interior design and does not affect the overall visual style is the common concern of all design industry professionals and consumers.

    This paper starts from the design concept of innovative materials combined with green materials popular hot, show the proper use of new environmentally friendly materials in the design of the villa advantages. Following through on the history and development of the new environmental protection materials leads to the green environmental protection material in the villa interior design using analysis, so that the different types of environmental protection material proper instead of some heavy and expensive traditional interior decoration materials, and fresh and minimalist style villa perfect fusion.

    Key words:New environmental protection material;Interior design;Materials and Application;Substitute material



    摘要 2

    引言 5

    一、国内外环保材料的发展趋势与分类应用 6


    1.2  国内外新型环保材料的分类.6



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