


    Zhangjiagang city leisure park landscape design -- Landscape Design for the core area

    Abstract:This design as a sub project of the Zhangjiagang East leisure park landscape design, the design is in the core area of landscape design on the basis of the overall scheme design, if, like most of the park, like arrangement, the interaction between people and landscape will be a lot less. Therefore, I under the principle of "hydrophilic" principle based and green ecological by the waterscape, embankment, pavement, stool, King wall, landscape pavilion Gallery, plant groups, such as some nodes of the landscape design, hoping to provide sufficient leisure and recreational environment for users, to create a beautiful and pleasant, people-oriented, environmental friendly green space. The design has eggs and delicate features, all kinds of waterscape , has a different style of small areas, give a person a full of fun leisure space.

    KeyWords:Core area; green ecology; hydrophilicity; landscape node

    目  录

    1  引言                                                                 3

    2  背景分析                                                             3

    3  基地现状分析                                                         3

    3.1  区位分析                                                         3

    3.2  周边环境分析                                                     3

    4  设计理念与目的                                                       4

    4.1  理念缘起                                                         4

    4.2  推导与演绎                                                       4

    4.3  设计目的                                                         5

    5  设计手法与表现                                                       5

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