


      Metal works of art and the twelve zodiac  Pig pig

    Abstract:   Metal art refers to gold, silver, copper, iron and other metal materials, or metal materials supplemented by other materials

    The material, produced with thick, powerful, luxurious, elegant, 

    fine style. Metal artA branch operation is the biggest iron making materials with iron crafts. Now with more iron panRefers to metal art. In recent years, with the development of society. Continuous update of decorative arts and decorative materials, decorative style of the various art forms are emerging, a variety of decorative art works are different, the back to basics trend become a new fashion, as the old, traditional art deco style metal art, is to the new content and life, is widely used in the construction of external decoration, interior decoration, decoration and furniture decoration of the environment, because of the distinctive characteristics, rustic style, economical and practical technology is simple, in the modern decoration occupies a place. I put the twelve zodiac metal materials based, in the twelve zodiac to add a style, the other materials as a support, as the work.

    Keywords: Metal art; decorative art; traditional craft


    绪论 -5

    一、金属材料艺术的分析 -6

    (一)初步确定以金属一种材料进行 6


    (三)金属材料艺术的艺术特点 6

    二、综合材料艺术的材料研究 -7

    (一)金属艺术的不同定义 7

    (二)金属材料不同材质的研究 7

    (三)金属材料艺术的表现形式 7

    三、《金属艺术品与十二生肖-鼠 狗 猪》系列的创作思路 8 

    (一)传统图式表现手法的初步确定 8

    (二)《金属艺术品与十二生肖-鼠 狗 猪》的最初思路 -8

    四、《金属艺术品与十二生肖-鼠 狗 猪》的创作过程 9

    (一)前期检验 9

    (二)《金属艺术品与十二生肖—鼠 狗 猪》的创作过程 9

    结论 11

    参考文献 12

    致谢 13




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