    毕业论文关键词: 24节气 佛教园林 康复花园 药用植物 古典园林
    Landscape Design of Hippocrene temple in Wuhan
    Zone A Landscape Planning
    Hippocrene temple, located jade screen peak, is one of the historic temples in Wuhan, built in AD 749,destroyed Ming. Ancient spring temple is said to be lu dongbin night made, by the founder of Changsha Yuelu academy satrap Lee tong and his two brothers after the thatched cottage at the beginning of the ordained, after successive monks in the Buddhist sermon. Hippocrene temple at the beginning of construction scale, cent, Luo Hantang Ursa major, the great hall, earth treasure house, the scripture-stored, buddhist temple, the clock tower, drum tower, etc. A total of 99 rooms. Method for the solemn, sights spirit. Peak very grand scale, the monks as many as five hundred people. Temple and Jiang Xiawang Li Daozong system of ancient bronze dings, 18 kg, pearl light chardonnay, brilliant.
    The main idea of this design is made 24 healthy garden according to the 24 solar terms, each of the concept of health preservation by rehabilitation garden planning and made sketch scattered in various garden will preserve one's health. We will focus on the original terrain environment and ecological condition and in compliance with buddhist culture under the background of transformation, and keep the overall strong classical garden style. In each of the garden design make full use of the solar terms of medicinal plants, flowers, and classical garden road surfacing, dean steps, etc. We will do it to satisfy the spread of Buddhism culture, improve the temple monks living environment, making it the local landmark.
    Key Words:24 solar terms,  Buddhist garden,  Healing garden,  Medicinal plants, Classical gardens
    1    引言    5
    1.1    项目研究背景    5
    1.1.1区位分析    5
    1.1.2寺院之缘起    6
    1.1.3发展机遇    6
    1.2    项目研究意义    6
    2    文献综述    7
    2.1    寺庙园林    7
    2.1.1寺庙园林的概念    7
    2.1.2寺庙园林的类别    7
    2.2    康复花园    7
    2.2.1康复花园的概念    7
    2.2.2康复花园的类型    7
    2.2.3康复花园的特征    8
    2.2.4康复花园的研究意义    8
    3    设计思路    9
    3.1    现状分析    9
    3.1.1基地周边环境分析    9
    3.1.2基地内部自然环境分析    9
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