
    Abstract With the globalization of economic development and the frequent communication among international societies, English has become a bridge between people from different countries. Thus people have a higher expectation on the English teaching in junior school. In recent years, the overall level of junior school English teaching has been significantly improved, but it can not be denied that the teaching of spoken English is still problematic, let alone the cultivation of communicative competence. Modern English teaching in junior school has began to pay more attention to cultivating students’ communicative competence. However, due to the lack of systematic objectives, specific course materials and favorable language environment, Oral English teaching in junior school is in backward status and English fails to play the role of a communication tool. Based on the analysis above, the author tries to propose some effective and practical measures to the cultivation of junior students’ communicative competence.69688

    Keywords: communicative competence; junior school English teaching;    cultivation strategy

    摘要 随着经济全球化发展,国际交流日益频繁,英语成为不同国家之间人们互相沟通的桥梁。因此人们对现代初中学校英语教学有了更高的期待。近年来,初中英语教学的总体水平有了显著提高,但不可否认,英语教学中的口语教学依旧存在问题。虽然现代初中英语教学开始更多关注学生交际能力的培养,但由于缺乏系统的培养目标,专门课程教材,语言环境条件,导致初中英语口语教学的落后现状,使其成为英语真正发挥交际功能的瓶颈。基于上述分析,作者试着给出一些有效具体的提高学生交际能力的方法。



    1. Introduction1

    2. Literature Review2

    2.1 Definition of communicative competence...2

    2.2 Studies of communicative competence....3

    3. Necessity of Developing Students’ Communicative Competence...4

    3.1 The current situation of Junior students’ communicative competence.4

    3.2 Factors affecting junior students’ communicative competence........5

    4. Cultivation of Communicative Competence in English.6

    4.1 Improving teaching methods 6

    4.2 Enriching training activities.........7

    4.3 Optimizing oral training environment...........11

    5. Conclusion..12

    Works Cited...13

    1. Introduction

    With the acceleration of globalization and development of the information age, communicative competence gets increasingly important. In the process of opening to the outside world, the purpose for learning English changes. The frequent contact with other countries requires high quality communication talents. However, for many years, a traditional teaching methodology and the teacher-centered English teaching mode were being carried out in China’s English teaching. Under such an education system, students are just seen to be the negative receivers of English knowledge, waiting to be told what to do, having no willingness and opportunity to tell their feelings and thoughts. As a result, the communicative competence is absolutely ignored and dumb English has become commonplace in junior school. In order to avoid the frustration of a none-communicative conversation class and to meet the needs of contemporary social and economic development, a corresponding change should be made in terms of teaching contents, course design, teaching strategy and so on .论文网

    English, as a communicative tool, is most widely used. Hence, the goal of English teaching is to improve students’ communicative skills and to enable students to use English effectively in real communication. Successful communication requires not just a high level of linguistic competence, but also a corresponding level of communicative competence. However, in many junior schools, on one hand, students hardly have awareness of communicative competence, and they are not willing to communicate in English and feel reluctant to express their thoughts and perspectives towards certain issues in English class. On the other hand, they lack communicative competence. For example, some students can only produce some very simple utterances in English and often commit pragmatic errors in communication. Teachers’ instruction concentrates much on the linguistic skills such as vocabulary and grammar, while the development of communicative competence is totally ignored. This kind of teaching fails to meet the needs of contemporary social development and cross-cultural communication. Thus, it is urgent time to form a correct recognition of the current situation of junior students’ communicative competence.

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