
    Though American soap opera is gaining enormous success in China, its main target audience belongs to young people who have received relatively high education, including college students and white collars, most of which grasp English with a high proficiency. The development of network technologies provides an ideal transmission channel for American dramas in order to spread overseas. Apart from a small proportion of people who choose to buy DVDs to watch American dramas, most people get access to them through the Internet. Furthermore, the huge mania of learning English and the group of high-level people offer the realistic possibility of its cross-border spread.(Gao Huan, 2009:167)People receiving higher education possess a fair English proficiency and deeper understanding about western cultures, so the language and cultural barrier is decreased. According to some survey on the age and education level of American drama audience, among 1000 citizens, 75% of drama lovers aged between 19 and 40 and those having college degree or higher accounted for the percentage of from 71 to 85. (Zhang Muxia, 2008:199)

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