
    Abstract  North and South, written by Elizabeth Gaskell, studies the contrast between the values and habits of rural southern England and industrial northern England at mid-19th century. Southern England, in the novel, is a paradise to women and nature; on the contrary, ecological destruction and feminine oppression can be seen everywhere in northern England. This thesis is going to analyze the novel with the view of ecofeminist literary criticism in anti-anthropocentrism, anti-androcentrism and exploration of ideal society, which embodies Mrs Gaskell’s ecofeminist thought.60788

    Key words: North and South; Ecofeminism; ecological destruction; feminine oppression




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    3. An Ecofeminist Approach to North and South 2

    4. Anti-anthropocentrism 3

    4.1 Nature and Women Are in Harmony 4

    4.2 Nature and Human Are in Unity 6

    5. Anti-androcentrism 7

    5.1. Oppression for Women Under Androcentric Ideology 8

    5.2 Against Gender Oppression - Margaret Hale 9

    6. Exploration of Ideal Society 12

    7. Conclusion 13

    Works Cited 14

    1. Introduction 

         North and South is a novel by Elizabeth Gaskell, published serially in Household Words 1854-5, in volume form 1855. The novel studies the contrast between the habits and values of rural southern England and industrial northern England. Margaret Hale moves with family to the northern city, Milton. There she meets John Thornton, with whom she has collisions on views and values. As time goes on, they gradually understand and respect each other and eventually fall in love.

    Ecofeminism “describes movements and philosophies that link feminism with ecology. Ecofeminist theories believe that disparagement of femininity and nature resulted from androcentrism and anthropocentrism. Ecofeminism criticizes them; concerns for not only survival of females and children, but also that of all humanity, as well as persity of animal and plant. The aim of ecofeminism is to build a society in which men and women are equal, all creatures are equal, human activities get along with nature, in addition, cultural and biological persity is allowed. 

    This thesis is going to explore how are ecofeminist ideas reflected in North and South in three aspects: anthropocentrism, androcentrism, and exploration of ideal harmonious society.

    2. Literature Review

    Victorian era witnessed the glory of English novel, among which the rise of female writers was most impressive. Best known for her novels depicting scenes of English country life which also often highlight the huge social pide between rich and poor, Elizabeth Gaskell is a skilled and natural story-teller who remains widely studied. Her novel, North and South, regarded as one of Mrs. Gaskell’s “industrial novels”, has attracted broad attention. 

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