
    1.2 Organization of the Thesis

        The first chapter gives a short introduction of the current situation of classroom communication, study tendency and the organization of the thesis.

        The second chapter reviews the several major theories which the thesis is based on. The target students are English major and from Hangzhou Normal University, therefore Chinese concept of face and Goffman’s face theories which relates to Hu Sien-chin’s analysis are elaborated.

        The third chapter explains sample group, target ways of communication, research method and procedure. 

        The forth chapter is presentation and analysis of data.

        The fifth chapter draws conclusions from the investigation, lists the limitation and gives some advice for target students. 

    2. Literature Review

    2.1 Brief Definition of Classroom Communication

        “ Communication refers to the act, by one or more persons, of sending and receiving messages that are distorted by noise, occur within a context, have some effect, and provide some opportunity for feedback” (DeVito, 2008). Classroom communication, which happens between teachers and students or a student and another student, of course belongs to this category, yet it can be more specific, like regarding it as a sort of interpersonal communication. A short description of interpersonal communication is messages (information, emotion as well as thoughts) exchanging between two or more people,and they shall have a basic understanding of each other and are interdependent.This sort of communication is dynamic and changing.    

        Within the study of interpersonal communication, some of concepts explored include the following: personality, knowledge structures and social interaction, language, nonverbal signals, emotion experience and expression, supportive communication, social networks and the life of relationships, influence, conflict, computer-mediated communication, interpersonal skills, interpersonal communication in the workplace, intercultural perspectives on interpersonal communication, escalation and de-escalation of romantic relationships, interpersonal communication and healthcare, family relationships, and communication across the life span (Knapp & Daly, 2011). 

        Communication in classroom depends much on teaching methods and types of classroom. Both of them are still in development process. Traditional method employs a lecture formats of instruction, in which most of students taught in that way receive messages and take notes (Dufresne, Gerace, et al, 1996).There is little feedback from students and discussions between students. The communication is unidirectional. Then students’ participation gets more attention. Glaser (1992) believes that knowledge needs to be interrelated and organized within mental structure that permits its efficient recall and effective use, which demands students to do something other than listening. Dufresne, Gerace and others (1996) think it is an optimal learning environment that both teachers’ and interested students’ engagement is contained. 

        Types of classroom influence communication mainly in interaction tools, carriers (visual text or talking ) and degree of students’ involvement. Baltes (2002) makes a comparison between virtual classroom discussion and traditional classroom discussion. In virtual classroom, students can type down their questions and ideas and display them, meanwhile the teacher and other students can give answers and comments without trouble in recalling what that students has said. His survey shows that students in virtual classroom do more comments and the content of comments are well-articulated.

        The details of communication with different teaching method and types of classroom are various. However, there are still similarities. Communication is message exchanging between teacher and students as well as students and students. It centers on the content and topic of one lesson and only happens during class. 源^自·751|文\论]文'网[www.751com.cn

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