

    毕业论文关键词: 独立订正;师生面订;有效性分析;对比 


    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature review 1

    2.1 The definition of error correction 1

    2.2 The current study on error correction 2

    3. Research 3

    3.1 Participants 3

    3.2 Research methods 3

    3.3 Data analysis 4

    3.3.1 The analysis of questionnaire 4

    3.3.2 The analysis of interviews 5

    4. Discussion 6

    4.1 Self error correction 6

    4.2 Face-to-face error correction 6

    4.3 Comparison on the effects of self error correction and face-to-face error correction 7

    5. Conclusion 8

    References 10

    Appendix 1 11

    Appendix 2 12

    1. Introduction

    Assignment is one of the unavoidable and rather important segments in English teaching and English learning. And error correction, another common and inevitable process in English teaching, is the essential part of English assignments. 

    Nowadays, in some students’ points of view that English learning in school only means the period of time when students are having English classes. When I was in my probation period in Class two Grade eight in Baochu Pagoda Experimental School, I found a strange phenomenon which was different from what I experienced in middle school in my hometown. Every day in their lunch break, there was a long queue of students waiting in the teacher’s office to have a face-to-face error correction which was demanded by their English teacher. So I asked several students for more details. They said that face-to-face error correction was a daily work for them, if they didn’t do good jobs in their dictations, exercise books and examination paper or didn’t have a timely and good correction, they would be one of them in the queue. 

    Therefore, I chose this topic to make a comparative study of face-to-face error correction and self error correction. In this paper, it will be first discussed the reasons why students should do error correction, and then lists some different methods of error correction in current situation and finally draws some significances of error correction. From them, it will be determined in two different forms--- self error correction and face-to-face error correction and try to verify the following questions:

    1. Is face-to-face error correction really does a better work than self error correction? 

    2. How does teacher choose different forms of error correction according to different forms of assignments and different kinds of students? 

    3. What are the difficulties of applying self error correction and face-to-face error correction? And how to solve those problems?

    2. Literature review

    2.1 The definition of error correction

    When we are going to deal with the error correction, we should know what error means first. Errors are remarkably common and carry real world consequences ranging from minor annoyance to international disaster (see e.g., Logan & Crump, 2010). In Merriam-Webster Dictionary (2015) online, it defines error as “error suggests the existence of a standard or guide and a straying from the right course through failure to make effective use of this <procedural errors>.” 

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