
    Cooperative Learning in Junior School English Classroom-A case study Abstract  English Curriculum Standards requires involving students in cooperative learning to motivate their learning interests and help students cultivate the cooperative spirits,laying a solid foundation for student’s life-long learning.Rather than being passive recipients in traditional English class,students serve as dominant roles in CL,which is considered to be effective in English learning.The thesis aims to find out the application of CL,based on a case study of a junior school with 94 students involved.The hypothesis of the research is: With the application of the CL , students’ participation and interests will be enhanced and their academic achievements can be improved. Based on the results of the present research, findings, implications and suggestions about the research are made for junior English teachers. 46990

    Keyword: junior school classroom; cooperative learning; case-study




    I. Introduction 1

    II. Literature review 1

    2.1 Definition of Cooperative Learning 1

    2.2 Basic elements of CL Methods

    2.3 Typical Methods of CL 3

      2.4 Theoretical Basis 4

      2.4.1 Social Interdependence Theory 4

      2.4.2 Motivation Theory 4

      2.4.3 Constructivist Theory 5

    III A Case Study of the Application of Cooperative Learning 5

      3.1. Hypothesis 5

      3.2. Participants 5

      3.3. Instruments 6

    3.3.1 Questionnaire 6

    3.3.2 Interview 6

        3.3.3 Observation 6

    IV. Data Analysis and Discussion 8

      4.1 Analysis of Questionnaire 8

      4.2 Analysis of Interview 11

      4.3 Analysis of Observation 13

    V. Conclusion 14

    References 16

    Appendix 1 Questionnaire 1 17

    Appendix 2 Questionnaire 2 18

    Appendix 3 Test score retabulation 19

    Appendix 4 Interviews 21

    I. Introduction

        English Curriculum Standards requires involving students in cooperative learning to motivate their learning interests and help students cultivate the cooperative spirits which lay a solid foundation for student’s life-long learning.Rather than being passive recipients,students serve as dominant roles in CL which is beneficial for the development of students’ overall abilities.

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