摘要随着知识经济时代的到来,加剧了MD公司对人才的争夺,企业要想发展空间好,竞争中立于不败之地,就要加强对员工的人力资源培训。我们从 MD 公司培训现状进行分析,可以通过培训的有效提高,促进 MD公司员工培训问题的改进,达到企业发展与员工发展共赢的局面。本文以“MD 公司员工培训当中存在问题及解决对策研究”为题,通过石油公司的案例进行分析,对MD 公司如何根据自身实际情况,指出MD 公司员工培训当中存在对培训管理的认识存在误区、MD 公司培训体系不健全、缺乏对员工的职业生涯规划等三个主要问题, 最后从转变培训不重要的观念、 建立系统的科学的培训体系、对员工进行职业生涯规划、建立学习型企业的组织文化四方面提出解决 MD 公司员工培训管理中存在问题的对策,希望找出一条适合企业自身发展的员工培训道路,为我国 MD 公司员工培训存在的问题提供借鉴。41692
毕业论文关键词 MD公司 员工培训 解决对策
Title Staff Training Management of MD
Abstract With the advent of the knowledge economy era, MD exacerbated competition for talent, in order to developgood space, competition in an invincible position, it is necessary to strengthen the training of humanresources staff.We analyze the current situation MD training company, can effectively improve training andpromote improvements MD staff training issues, business development and staff development to achieve awin-win situation. In this paper, "MD training among employees, problems and countermeasures" in the title,Pointed out that MD company training exist for training management awareness of the existence of errors,MD company training system is not perfect, the lack of staff career planning and three main problems, finallyfrom the transformation of the training is an important concept, establish scientific and systematic trainingsystem, to employees of career planning, establishing learning type enterprise organizational culture fouraspects to put forward the countermeasures to solve the MD company employee training managementproblems,and hope to find a suitable for their own development way of training employees, to provide areference for our MD company staff training
Keywords MD company employee training Solutions
目 次
1. Introduction...1
1.1 Research Background and Significance. 1
1.2 Research Outlines... 3
1.3 Previous Studies..3
1.4. Methodology..8
2. An Overview of Staff Training... 10
2.1 Human Resource Management.10
2.2 Staff Training 13
3. The Current Training Situation Analysis of MD 18
4.The Problems Existing in MD Staff Training..20
4.1 The Simple Structure and Being Conducive to Communication. 20
4.2 Unclear Labor Division and Employees’ Susceptible to Managers Encouragement.. 20
4.3 The Easily Established Long-term Partnership between Employees and Managers...20
5. Some Effective Countermeasures...21
5.1 Taking the Initiative to Do Good Jobs of Trading Incentives.. 21
5.2 Strengthening Humanistic Care and Good Interpersonal Incentive.22
5.3 Predicting in Advance and Reducing Corporate Changes... 22
5.4 establish a learning organization culture.. 23
6. Conclusion.. 25
1. Introduction1.1 Research Background and SignificanceThe employees are the first productivity of organization. The employee quality is related to thesuccess or failure of the organization. In the process that the quality of the staffs is developed,thetraining is the essential link. The effective training activities can reduce accidents, reduce cost, raiseeconomic benefits, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises in the market. At present,enterprises are in the face of social competition. Their survival pressure is enormous.If enterprisesremain invincible, it must be strong. Requirements for the taff quality are also getting higher andhigher, more and more urgent. Economists have pointed out that the training is a strategicinvestment of risk minimization and profit maximization among all investment.Training refers to the process of the organization to proceed to promote staffs learning.It is thechannels of the creating knowledge and knowledge sharing.Training has the characteristics asfollows. First of all, it is the activity of organization and employees win together.
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